The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, November 30, 2009

A Ticket?

OK, No one will EVER guess who got pulled over for going 10 miles per hour OVER the speed limit. Just try to guess, I'll put the answer at the bottom of this post.
Took the trailer back to the farm this morning in just enough time to walk. Sangria had to be moved from Raven's paddock, she is not sharing the grain and Sangria doesn't need grain so Raven is back by himself. His hay situation was checked and he will need another round bale tomorrow at the earliest, he may be able to wait a couple of days. Rhoda's car we dropped off at Byerline's garage, her drivers side window fell down and wouldn't close so she took my car and I took Sarah's car to the hospital. Sarah took my truck to work. When I get home from the hospital I see that the truck now has a low tire, hmmmm what did she run over.
Bernice is doing a little better, she had an eKg earlier, an eeg and mri scheduled for today. When the nurse came in to start hooking up all the wires I told her I know what an e e g is and I even know what a M R I is but Bernice also had an e G G today and wondered if she could explain that to me. The poor nurse was stymied, just couldn't figure out what the e G G was, I finally told her, it was this little white round shaped thing most people eat for breakfast. She laughed, told her that was my dad's joke.
Once home from the hospital Dan and Spark took me out to the Old School Center to work on the New Year's eve plans. I am in charge of taking the reservations for the suites and cabins. They gave me a map of where each suite and cabin was located, the door number and how many each slept. We were back to the shop around 4:45pm. I checked my email and found out David and Stephanie are coming over so ran home to straighten up the kitchen and playroom. Now I just have to figure out what to serve for dinner.
OK, the answer is MARK!!! He is the slowest driver and has NEVER in his life been pulled over for speeding. The police man didn't even give him a ticket.

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