The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, July 23, 2009


This morning the water tank again needed to be cleaned and filled. Every 2 days I am filling it. I made it to the farm in time to grain Raven and still get to mom's for our walk before Diane and Ruth made it. Then it was down to the shop to work on Bridlewood apartments books. Our cell phones were all to be turned in today as the Meister Companies are changing from Nextel to Sprint. I was waiting my turn to change it all over and learn how to use the new phone but ran out of time, I needed to be at Skyline home by 11:00am and with all the road construction going on I really needed to plan a half hour for the trip. Bernice Otto was one of our workers at Meisters then when she retired from that she kept coming in and helped me with Berean Prison Ministry for about 10 years. Thursdays I try to get down to the home to visit. Today I told her she could have the entire day and I would do what ever she would choose. She chose to go out to eat at Olive Garden then head to Farmington to see the Old School Center. She had heard so much about it but had never seen it. Dan Meister met us and gave us the GRAND TOUR. I've been in there numerous times and Dan showed me parts I'd never been in. Bernice was impressed with everything The Old School Center offered. After the tour we stopped at the farm so I could show her Lily's filly and Jenis' colt. Then home to unload Joy who will be staying with us for 8 months then back to Skylines. It was a long day for Bernice but she really enjoyed it. Bernice is 87 years old and will be 88 in November. I never did get to the phone.

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