The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, July 24, 2009

Sanna's Filly

Sanna's newborn filly July 24th, 2009

Sanna's filly pictured at a few hours old, Notice Raven in the background, he looks so proud of his new daughter!

Last night I didn't let the mares out on pasture as Joy is here but just opened up the back paddock so they had plenty of room for the night. This morning I went out about 5:00am to call in the mares and see Sanna standing by the water tank but I think it is Samantha as she does not look pregnant, then I turn and look and there is Samantha eating her grain and I realize it must be Sanna but I cannot find the foal. I start searching outside the paddock, then inside the 2 paddocks. Sanna was due August 21st, so I know the foal is maybe a preemie so I'm looking in both paddocks for a foal that is lying down, I let Sanna out thinking maybe she knows where the baby is and she is frantically running back and forth between the red barn and the green barn but no baby. Of course by this time I am also frantic. I run back into the house to find a flash light and still cannot find the foal. The thoughts running through my head are, OK it must have staggered over to the water tank and fell under the post and rail there or an animal dragged it off but with the mares on patrol I really didn't think that happened, then I started to worry that it was lying somewhere dying. I'm inside the red barn searching every corner with the flashlight when I hear "hello anyone around, there is a horse running near the road." I took off at a dead run and there she is trotting along the fence line at Baer on the inside of the apartment fence. She is small but perfectly formed and so strong. I bring her over to the barn, call Sanna and she comes at a run and starts licking her. I had already called Mike to tell him we were in trouble and he pulls up just as I got them into a stall. We decided to take them to the farm and put them in the deluxe stall so drove Sanna and her new filly out to the farm. The filly is nursing and I am waiting for Sanna to deliver the placenta. I left them alone and went walking with the ladies. After the walk I checked on them and the filly was taking a nap but Sanna has still not delivered the placenta so I drove the truck and trailer home and will head back. If it does not deliver within a few more hours I'll head to Dr. Hoerr's and pick up a oxytocin shot along with a foal shot for the filly. It is almost 9:00 am and I'm already exhausted!
I've continued this post tonight at 8:45pm
After dinner we drove to the farm to feed and water Sanna and clean her stall. As we were pulling out of the driveway onto Glasford Rd. a bunch of wild turkeys started crossing the road in front of us. We stopped and watched 3 hens with their broods all running across the road. The last 4 chicks were crossing the road as a mini van coming from the North almost ran right into them. They saw us stopped, then realized the turkeys were crossing and slammed on their brakes. Glad to say none of them were hit. We drove straight to Sams to buy the pork roast for the picnic on Sunday. While unloading groceries the phone rings and we got the news that B.J. Elsasser died. We are all shocked. B.J. is just a teenager. Rachel Sauder is up at the hospital now. Please pray for the Elsasser family, to lose a child is heart breaking. Brian and Mary and their other children Michel, Alexandra, and Paige will be struggling for a long time. They have the comfort that B.J. had given his testimony and was baptized recently. Their treasure is truly in heaven. We are to not lay up treasures here on earth where the moth and rust will corrupt.

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