The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mare Paddock

I was up before 6:00am went to call in the mares, Sanna was in already and Ylse and Samantha were in the back paddock in the shelter, they saw me and came running. I didn't go check if they had left any manure by the barn as I needed to be at the lake by 7:00am to try to get Jenis bred. Still no luck with her, she is showing all the signs but when Raven comes near she starts to kick. I will have to drive back out tonight to try again. I put a very disappointed Raven back but he perked up when I brought him his grain. I got done in time with Jenis to go with the walkers today. Kari and Rachel were in fast mode and Diane, mom, and Joan were more my speed so I walked with them. We decided (family meetings are always held while walking) that Amy and I would take mom to Haiti to visit Joan early in December but first Joan and Tim will join us on a cruise leaving out of Ft. Lauderdale. I called Amy with the news and to tell her to start saving her money. Amy is always willing to travel with me, what a good friend she has been for 53 years! Diane got online and found a Princess cruise leaving the first Saturday after Thanksgiving so we will try to make that work.
I left for work at 8:22 am and barely made it in time. We were swamped again. How will I ever take a week off? The Bible study program is only getting bigger. Rhoda met Eva Jean and I for lunch at Denny's, we all had a good breakfast at 12:30pm, then Eva Jean and I headed to the post office to drop off Bibles and buy 1200 more stamps. That came to $528.00, the sad thing is they won't last more than a month.
After work the mare paddock needed cleaning so I spent an hour and a half working on it. I could work longer but I'm dripping wet typing this. I need a big cool drink.

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