The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, July 13, 2009


Well Jenis is in season but not yet at a standing heat. We will try again tomorrow. Her colt has some diarrhea which may be due to the foal heat but we will worm Jenis again anyway, just in case. I got to the farm pretty early, grained everyone, collected a check that was waiting for us at the farm and then headed home to get ready for work.
I got the forms filled out for the Northern IL Horse Fest and need to send them $240.00 for our camping spots and stalls. This showing gets expensive. I'll have to run to the bank, put the check in so I have the money to send. I do NOT like living month to month. Lily's colic surgery has me in the hole for probably 3 months. The good thing is the deposit on Samantha is on the way. I'm praying that we sell Aries, Classy, Piper, Clara, and Sangria's colt (not yet named). I was looking at the horses at Middle Grove on Saturday and Sophie the 2 year old Tennessee Walker is growing and filling out nicely. I should take some pictures and market her or at least get her in training. She has such a long thick mane and tail and a very pretty buckskin color. I've posted a picture of her standing with the others. from left to right is Classy, Jewel, Pacheron and Sophie and behind the group is Clara.

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