Sunday! My favorite day of the week. We had one mystery and never did solve that, more on that later. I checked the foaling camera and was pleased to see that both of the colts had laid down to sleep during the night.
The roasts were put in the crock pot first with the seasoning, carrots, onions and potatoes before going out to the barn to take care of the colts. I move them into the far paddock, then hauled 3 wheel barrow loads of soiled bedding out of the stall. Next 2 bales of hay were brought in, one for the stall for tonight and one for the shelter where the colts were kept. I also hauled in another bale of straw for the stall for tonight. They were so glad to be outside as they had been in almost all day yesterday and all night. It was 40 degrees but still drizzling a bit but they were thrilled to be out. Below is before a roll in the mud for Oliver.
The video was taken after the roll in the mud.
I filled 2 water buckets up then left to make breakfast for us and get ready for church. We had a visiting minister for the morning message. Darren Plattner from Champaign was here. He is the father of Caleb and came for the Sunday school Christmas program which was the afternoon message. Click HERE if you would like to listen to Darren's message. We always enjoy the Christmas program and Nancy was thrilled when she too got a gift of candy after the program. As soon as we got home we drove straight up to the apartment to check that out as our guests left around noon. Now for the mystery. There was some fresh horse manure by the new porch. Right away the horses were all checked and they were all where they were supposed to be. We have no idea how that could have ended up there and probably never will. Mark cleaned it up while I was filling water buckets for the colts. The food was taken over to the barn then Mark helped me put both colts back into the stall.
They will spend one more night inside. Stalled horses are a lot of work.
We had a nice meal tonight and had 25 for dinner.
I'm so thankful for the barn. It makes hosting easy. The bouncy house was in demand after the meal. The volley ball players arrived with more little kids.
After 2 or 3 close games, games that went into overtime they all came in for more visiting.
Below were the 2 youngest today. One is Anni and Matt's son Harvey and the other is Micah, Rebekah and Brian's son. They are very close in age.
They stayed quite late but when Rhoda took Nancy home I left soon after. I'm not sure how late the rest stayed but I noticed at 10:00 pm the lights were out.
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