The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, May 24, 2024


 We woke up to storm warnings but the rain held off. Lily and her colt were let out to graze in the big field. The grass is almost as tall as the colt.

Lily went up to greet the other mares while the colt came to check out the golf cart.
It was cool out and they were brought to the outdoor arena so I could get a video of the colt. He will be 3 months old in a week.
They were left there while I did a quick sweep of the foaling apartment for the airbnb guests coming in today. As I still had 10 minutes before the walk started I drove the golf cart over to the barn and put all the chairs down for the guests coming in for that facility. When I walked out of the barn there was a group of walkers just waiting. Joan shared that she was going to try to get the bees out of the fallen log and if successful of getting the queen in the bee box the others would follow. Then she could harvest the honey. She is not going to keep these bees but give them to Craig and Jackie as she only wants 2 hives. I was busy today so didn't hear if she was successful or not. Mark got a lot of weed whacking done this morning. Mike came over to start on the plumbing box for the paddocks and foaling apartment.
He ran into a problem with the size of the pipes and had to go into town to buy more supplies. When he got back he was able to replace all of the bad parts with new parts.

By 1:00 pm we had water back in the foaling apartment and not too much longer water to each paddock. Each now has a convenient shut off so if we get a leak we don't have to shut off all of the waterers.
When we came inside there was a sparrow in the wood burner. He was pecking on the window but when I opened the wood burner door he would not fly out. Instead he stood there watching then finally jumped down.
He flew into the laundry area, I just left the door opened then went back out to work. When we came back inside the sparrow was gone so he must have figured out on his own to fly out of the door.  Pablo sent a message asking us to bring Dancer by 4:00 pm today. Mike and Diane were on their way to a hardware store but turned around and headed back home. I grabbed a lead rope and brought Dancer over to tease. She is still in. She loaded up well and Mike and Diane were on their way by 3:45 pm. It was another successful cover but Mike got kicked in the arm by the stallion. Not bad enough to do any damage it was a glancing blow. Our stallions are well behaved but not all are like ours. Pablo wants to get one more cover on her. Another storm came through this evening. On the walk Joan, Ruth and Diane all made plans to go camping at Middle Grove tonight. I'm not sure if the weather changed their minds on going. All of the guests have arrived. The foaling apartment guests are here for a wedding but wanted a tour of the place and wanted to meet the horses. Some of the barn guests came around 2:00pm unloaded then left and another car load came at 3:30pm and then left. They all came back around 8:00pm but were just happy to enjoy the building after spending the day in Peoria. We have someone wanting Jewel's foal and will put down a deposit as soon as the foal is safely born and healthy.  Both Jewel and Madiera's udder were checked this evening. Madiera's is getting tight but no waxing. Jewel is a little fuller. We still have time.

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