The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, May 17, 2024

Horizons of Gold

 I took 2 Aleve last night before going to bed thinking this way I could have a good nights sleep and maybe wake up pain free. That didn't happen. The pills made me nauseous and I ended up on the recliner for a couple hours fighting that sick feeling. Morning came very early. Thankfully feeling better. I took the laundry basket over to the barn so after the walk could collect all the food in the fridge. We have someone coming tonight to set up for their graduation party tomorrow in the barn and they need the fridge. It was very foggy on the walk. In the picture below there is a geese family about in the middle of the lake. I know it looks like just a square of gray.

See those two white dots. Those are the parents and in-between are 4 goslings. Ruth is camping at Middle Grove and Joan was gone this morning so most of the time it was just Diane and I. Mark joined in for a short bit. After the walk I noticed the half of orange on the table on the front porch was out of grape jelly. I put another spoonful in and within minutes had the Baltimore Oriole was back drinking up the grape jelly.

Two campers were going out today and as Joan was gone I met each couple taking one. The first sent a text they would be here in 5 minutes. I jumped on the golf cart and made it over before they arrived. Below they are heading out. This family had been tent camping but never a camper. They were friends of Phil and Anna and happy to try out camping in luxury. 
The next couple arrived just a few minutes later. They were first time campers so we spent a while going over everything before hooking it up.
Both couples were also really pleased with the camper they chose to rent.
Lily and her colt were brought into the stall. The colt was perfect for haltering. He just stood quietly until the halter was latched. They were taken out to the round pen to graze on some of that high grass and clover.
Mark was busy weed whacking the outdoor arena while I was putting out the horses.
He moved over to the round pen to get that next.
I left the horses there while I went to change the laundry machines and do a little clean up. After about an hour came back to take the colt's halter off and put them back in the paddocks.
Mark and I left with mom and Karin at 1:00 pm to go to Calvary Baptist to watch the Co-Op musical  Horizons of Gold. This was set in the dust bowl years of Kansas and was based on the book of Ruth. Below are the cast of characters.

Faith played the character of Naomi ( Margaret Thomas) and had the entire front row sobbing when she lost her husband and 2 sons. The first act was such a tear jerker although anyone who knows the story of Ruth should have prepared for that. Ivan was one of Faith's sons then when he got married and died then became a part the comedy trio that worked for Boaz and those 3 boys had us belly laughing. Ivan was perfect for his part. As this is a copyright play no pictures or videos could be taken but below is Faith's shadow during one of her scenes.
Berlica was running the lights for this musical.
Rebekah brought 4 of her 5 children just leaving Walter home with a sitter.
The actors and actresses sang beautifully and the play was so well done. We all really enjoyed the entire performance. They have one more performance tonight at 7:00 pm. 


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