The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Super Sunday

 We both slept in until close to 6:00 am after the full day on Saturday and the late night. Thankfully today is Sunday our day of rest. When we walked out to leave for church I got in the passenger side, Mark walked to the drivers side but didn't get in the car. Instead he walked away mumbling the tire is flat. 

Yep, we were not taking that car to church. My car was so out of gas I wasn't sure we would make it to the nearest station 4 miles away but we did. I was worried about arriving later than 9:30 am and we didn't make it by then but Ruth drove mom so it didn't matter that we would 4 minutes late. Kathy and Randy brought Nancy. We had a really good day at church. Tim Roecker had the morning message and started the message if someone was in the army and got a letter from home how much they felt loved. Well Paul's letters to the church are to let us know how much we are loved. IF you would like to listen to this message click HERE.  Frank Sauder had the afternoon message. Click HERE if you would like to watch that. We got home from church just before 2:00 pm and didn't even have time to change when a man showed up to see Mark's finish mower and bought it. He is going to come later to pick it up. After he left Mark went to work on the tire. He took off the tire found a small sheet metal screw, took it out and patched the tire then put it back on the car. Thankful for patch kits. Sarah and Nolan arrived with 2 little baby bunnies.
One of their dogs found the nest, killed at least one and these 2 were the only ones Nolan could save. They are going to give them to Berlica to raise.
Tonight for dinner we had haystacks. We were just missing Rhoda, Lee, Iris, Zeke and Ben. This was the first time some of these grandchildren have been together for at least 2 weeks. After playing soccer boys against girls in the gym they came in hungry. Mark had the prayer but the kids went first.
They were anxious to be back to playing. The little girls found all the new toys and those were a huge hit.
Almost all the shelves emptied quickly of their toys.
The rain quit and when the sun came out it became warm enough for the bigger kids to play outside. The tramp was calling them.
Below is a short video of some of their fun.
Since Phil and Anna drove all night to get home in time for dinner they were too tired to play volley ball. Some of them went for a walk but most just vegged out on the couch visiting.
I left at 7:15 pm to take Nancy home. Tomorrow is Gladys Haefli's funeral. Diane, Joan and I each will be making a batch of party potatoes for the funeral dinner. The potatoes need to be at the church by 9:30 am so no walk tomorrow.  Diane is going to take the potatoes early as I'll be taking mom and Aunt Jinnie to the funeral. Better get to bed soon.

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