The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Pitchfork Problems

 Well it wasn't raining or snowing today but it was cold. Ruth, believe it or not, went camping so was not on the walk. Joan took Nancy for her cardiologist appointment. We haven't heard yet what was decided. Diane and I walked, were joined by Mark for one round then finished up at the barn. Diane left I went in to grab 6 pounds of ground beef out of the freezer and empty the 2 large garbage cans and relined them. The beef was put in my fridge at the house to start defrosting. That will be used for haystacks for Sunday dinner. Breakfast was eggs over medium, sausage patties, strawberries, whole grain toast with butter and jam and of course hot coffee. After breakfast I went back to the barn to work on the toys. They really needed to organized and the broken toys pitched. All these new toys from Diane's loft needed to be displayed better. 

In the red chest are all kinds of new toys, the grands are going to have a ball discovering them.
When the barn was ready for guests and everything was organized I left to go to Kroger to pick up some dried split peas then to Aldi to pick up carrots, celery, chicken broth, eggs, crackers and sour cream. On Saturday I plan on making a pot of split pea soup. Karin has invited us for dinner tomorrow so need to make something for that and then we have potluck on Saturday and I need to make a vegetable for that. I noticed both Tatiana and Lily hanging around Valiant this afternoon teasing. Mike was sent a message to see if he could help after work. When he arrived the horses were across the pond so he took the 4 wheeler over to bring them back.
It is extremely muddy but the 4 wheeler didn't get stuck and I was glad I didn't have to walk in the mud to get them.  Tatiana was covered by Valiant then Lily was covered by Evan. Both mares stood well. I'm glad they were both still in. Mark had a load of mulch delivered.
He grabbed my pitchfork to start forking it into a wheelbarrow.
That is Valiant in the background. We struggle over the pitch fork. The first one I bought when we lived in Pleasant home and I used it at Bridlewood.  He was using on the burn pile laid it down and the next morning the handle was burned up completely. He had to buy the next one but I claimed it and keep it up in the stall barn. Wouldn't you know each time I need it, it is no longer there so I have to figure out where he was using it last.  When you need one you REALLY need one. 

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