The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Nancy's Stay

 Mark found just 1 mushroom late yesterday, that was put in the fridge in some salt water and this morning cooked with his breakfast.

Joan kept us updated on Nancy for last night. They were still having some trouble with her blood pressure. Ruth went up at 7:00 am so Joan could come home and get some sleep. No walk obviously but I needed to move Lily, her colt, Missy and Tatiana out of the pasture next to Evan's and into the pond pasture. Lily stops at the hay, Tatiana stopped at the waterer and Cookie forever hangs with Lily's colt. This morning that colt was rearing up on her and biting at her trying to get her to play with him. She is just way to patient. He isn't pictured below, he had just gone in the shelter when I took the picture.

The wind was really blowing on the way out to Middle Grove. This trip was just to check udders as I can't get out for the next few days. This time I was going to hide the car and walk in except the horses weren't in sight and I ended up driving all the way up the jeep track up the farthest hill. I could see them in a distance and quickly backed the car up before getting out hoping they wouldn't see it.
There was no way I wanted them to smear up the car again. 
I got out and the wind was blowing so hard grabbed my sweat shirt but it was flapping making it hard to get on. The horses saw that strange black thing flapping and the blue roof of the car and freaked out. They would run to where they could just barely see the roof of the car (I had backed it some down a hill), stare intently then whirl and run away. The video is a little shake was fighting the wind.
It didn't take long to see that not one horse has an udder filling up. We may not be having any foals until late May or June. Below is Blueberry who is due the end of May and may or may not be pregnant. 
Below are Missy and Rosalie both look pregnant from the front but not from the side view. 
The picture below was as I was getting ready to get in the car to drive away.
If you would like to see the rest of the pictures from Middle Grove click HERE
I got home from Middle Grove with enough time to eat some lunch then leave for the hospital. I planned on being there by 2:00 pm but kind of got lost in the hospital. I was in the wrong building but was following signs for zone 7. It turned out Nancy is in the Forest Park building. Believe me each person I asked would point me in a different direction. It took 15 minutes to get to her room. On the way back though it took just 5 minutes. There is a short cut from the parking deck. Nancy got markers as a gift. She and Ruth were having fun coloring this morning.
We had a quiet afternoon. She was ready to take a nap in her bed. She slept some then it was time to sit in a chair. 
About then I realized she needed her hair brushed so she changed chairs.
We went for a long walk around this floor before coming back to wait for dinner. That didn't arrive until almost 7:00 pm. Nancy is in a double room and the neighbor had the television on. Each time a food ad would come on Nancy would go "oooo that looks delicious" Poor girl she was really hungry and very happy when it finally arrived.
Rachel arrived by 7:30 pm. Right about then Nancy's private room was ready so we moved her over. Below Rachel is playing games with her.
Rachel sent the picture below of maybe a forbidden treat. A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down and so do ring pops.
Below is a video of some of Nancy's day.
I left for home once they were settled. I'll relieve Rachel in the morning, then Ruth will relieve me, then Rachel will relieve Ruth and Diane will relieve Rachel and finally Joan will spend the night tomorrow IF she doesn't get released. They never did the echocardiogram that was supposed to happen today. I got home from the hospital and Mark is not yet home from church. They went to Culvers and his credit card got declined. It turned out he ordered a lithium battery today and CEFCU thought it might be a fraud and put a hold on his card until he calls the fraud department. Poor Mark, not literally, he really isn't poor but poor enough that he had to have his sister-in-law pay for his meal. He isn't home yet but I have to go to bed as I need to be up early at the hospital.

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