The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, April 29, 2024

Fancy Truck Tires

 On our walk this morning Joan happened to look down at the perfect time to pick up a crawdaddy.

This was near mom's garage so not sure why it left the lake to go visiting. Joan threw it back in the lake making that long walk was for nothing. I quit after 1 round as today the truck had an appointment at East Peoria Tire for brand new tires. I've been needing new tires and have been saving for them but each time I had enough money saved up something else needed the money worse.  The truck also got an oil change. Check out those amazing new tires. Mike Rieker had stopped in and must have told them what kind was needed as the last tires he sold me looked just like these. If interested in seeing those and reading the story about that gift click HERE. Those tires were purchased in 2016 and NEVER stranded me. 

When I drove up our drive I had to stop to let the geese pair cross the driveway. This pair has 6 goslings.
I really am thrilled with the tires. For sure I won't be getting stuck at Middle Grove while hauling the stock trailer.  I had to show Diane and even Diane said, "those really are nice tires"  I feel most blessed! While talking to her I remembered we needed to call Hoerr Vet clinic to schedule sonagrams. Mike will need to bring back Sheena as it is now 3 weeks since she was in season. Tatiana needs to be sonagrammed as she is still saying no and it has been 25 days since her last cover. Mike wants Dancer and Blueberry sonagrammed too. That is now scheduled for Thursday morning at 8:30 am and we will haul the mares in to the clinic.  Diane is serving the Wednesday family night dinner with me and went to Sam's today to pick up the bottled water, the salad ingredients,  desserts and the cheddar cheese I need for the meat loaf. That should be a nice meal and all are invited. The dinner starts at 6:00 pm. I shopped at Aldi's and was able to get the brown sugar needed for the meat loaf topping sauce. 
 Last week Aldi was out of brown sugar. Mike was working on the automatic waterer in the breeding shed and needed the water turned off. 
When that was up and running Irish and Tatiana were moved in there to eat down some of the grass. 

Mark needed a little bit of help putting the mats back on the golf cart when I got back and as soon as that was done we had to take it for a spin. It isn't as fast as the old one but this one has lights and a horn and the speed is acceptable especially for grand children.
Mike came over on his 4 wheeler with Blueberry in tow and had to check out the golf cart.
Blueberry is such a tall mare. 
He took Blueberry out to the field then stopped to pick up Dancer and I grabbed Mika and those 3 were taken back over to the cabin field.
Diane was busy mowing the little cabin yard she keeps fenced off for her airbnb guests but was using their huge mower to do it. 
Spark and Rhonda's grand daughter came this evening with a group to play volley ball at the new barn. 

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