The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Catch UP Saturday

 We both slept in not getting up until almost 6:00 am. This morning while Mark was out walking I got the floor swept, the dishes done and the counters cleaned off. I couldn't stand walking barefoot the floors were so bad with mud, sand, rocks and grass brought in from Mark working on the gravel, roads and lawns. The laundry also needed to be started. That was almost done by the time he got back. Breakfast was avocado, strawberries, keto toast, 2 eggs and sausage. 

At 9:30 am I left for mom's. Ruth arrived at noon to take my place. As soon as I got home Mark and I went to work. We were getting ready to move in bales so were taking out the old net wrap and the hog panel we wrap around the bales when our airbnb guests sent a text that they would need another camper if we could supply one. They had an extra couple coming down for the wedding today. It just made sense to move the trailer out first. Once the camper was moved out of the barn and parked by the breeding shed it was leveled and plugged in. The hose we brought over had a pin hole leak so we skipped getting water to the camper but made sure the furnace worked. The middle paddock got a bale and the paddock next to Valiant got a bale. I hooked up the stock trailer to the truck while Mark took the old bale out of the short shelter and dumped it.  The next job was to drive to Middle Grove. Mike and Diane were waiting to help with the loading. Rosalie and Rosaleigh were loaded first then Irish and Missy. I was there, loaded and home so fast Mark could hardly believe when I pulled back in. Irish for sure is in season so for sure she lost her foal during the winter.  Diane helped by holding her at the breeding stand while I brought Valiant over. The other 3 are not at all in season but I don't think they are pregnant either. We think we had a virus go through the herd which caused a lot of miscarriages. Right now the only mares that look like they are pregnant are Jewel,  Madiera and Jury. Crazy to think we may only have 4 foals this year. Even Lea who was bred to Evan last November looks like she is not pregnant. I snapped the picture of redbud tree with Cookie grazing on the pond pasture on the way back down to the house. 
It was a cold gray day but that didn't stop Mark from mowing. He was wearing a winter coat though. The camper needed bedding and by now I'm out of extra bedding so took the pillow, the cuddledud comforter and sheets off of the bedroom upstairs and hauled them up to the camper along with towels, washcloths and RV toilet paper.  We found a hose in the garage that was long enough and didn't have any holes and hooked that up to the camper. The water heater worked well. The furnace was turned on and a couple lights and the bed was made. Since we were using a garden hose for the water Mark drove up to Dollar General to pick up a case of bottled water and 4 bottles were left in the camper. Mark came in cold and hungry. Supper tonight was interesting. I made a seafood stir fry. The seafood mix was shrimp, mussels, calamari and bay scallops. Those were cooked separate as I don't care for that kind of seafood. Below is Mark's plate.
I had to get a close up of the octopus. 
It was weird to see the whole baby octopus and Mark actually ate it whole. I'm still working on laundry but the last load is in the dryer. I've almost caught up with the work. Another booking came in for the foaling apartment for May and tomorrow we have a couple coming over to pay for 8 days in June for their daughter. This is a missionary family coming up from Texas to visit family. 

1 comment:

  1. The picture of the redbud tree is beautiful! Everything looks so green! Marilyn
