The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, February 21, 2024


 Ruth, Joan and I walked, Diane joined us by phone from Gulf Shores. Amazing how many problems of the world can be solved by just talking them over. Mark wanted eggs and pot roast for breakfast. He knew I had left over pot roast and decided that could be heated up in the microwave to add to a couple eggs. Easy meal! After breakfast I went to the barn to start cleaning. We have guests coming in on Saturday and the floor needed a good sweeping and mopping. We had a lot of mud dragged in over the weekend. With all the snow melt that couldn't be helped. Everywhere there is mud. I stopped to take some pictures of the spread gravel around the barn. Below is the South side looking East.

We can now park 2 cars abreast on the gravel. Below is looking west.
We have one winter sled outside the front door that probably can be put away for the winter. Mark even got gravel spread on the East side. 
This side still needs more and the pile we have left would probably finish this side. The North side needs a load yet. I worked on the barn until 9:45 pm then quit to go to mom's house. We were hoping to get outside today on her deck but the sun just didn't come out much to warm it up enough.  Karin had  some pictures out in the garage drying. These were all of my family. 
I had to laugh at the picture above. That is Taegan when she was 2 or 3 and mad at someone. Below is Kensley.
Their papa is pictured below.
While watching out the window we saw a flock of geese came in.
They started feeding by the beach. It looks so funny when they are upside down.
When Karin arrived I went straight back to the barn and was able to finish the kitchen, living area and the floor. I was just starting to roll up the bouncy house when Fedi called. He finished fixing the horse trailer and was bringing it back.
I am so thrilled to have it fixed. Now I can go pick up a pallet load of bedding from TSC.
We left for church at 6:15. Gregg Rumbold had the message tonight. Click HERE if you would like to watch that. After church a bunch of us went to Culvers for a late supper.  We just were enjoying the fellowship of kindred minds. 

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