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Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Abe's Program

It was so foggy this morning that the fog covered the windows of the cars here and covered them with ice. I stopped in at mom's before our walk to see if mom would want to come with me to the Berean office but she decided it would be better to stay home. Rachel was called and gladly offered to stay with her so I could go as I had the dessert plus some supplies to drop off. We had a good morning there, not a lot of mail but enough to keep us busy. No pictures or videos of that today as I missed last week I was catching up on work that waited. After Berean I relieved Rachel then stayed with mom until Karin came home. I had someone interested in the truck so made a video of the truck starting then driving to Phil and Anna's and back. That was too big to send by messenger so posted it on a for sale link on Market place then sent him the link. I didn't even bother cleaning it out. At 4:15 pm Mark and I left for David and Stephanie's house in Chillicothe. Israel and Elisabet had to pretend they were licking the big candy canes linking their drive.

I showed them how when you move the camera the light from the candy canes streak.
We played with Israel, Elisabet and Rizzy until 6:15 pm then drove to Eureka college to watch Abe's Christmas program with the Rumbolds. Below we are waiting for the program to begin.
This didn't start until 7:15 pm and then started with the Eureka kindergartners. Abe's class was next as he is in first grade. 
Below is the video of their two songs then the last song of the evening.
By the time we left there it was 8:15 pm, we went to Busy Corner for a late supper with Taunya, Abe and Jace.

Busy Corner closed at 9:00 pm so we only had a half an hour to order and eat but made it with a couple minutes to spare. David and Steph met us at Sarah and Nolan's house on the way back so we didn't have to drive all the way to Chillicothe. We made it home by 10:10 pm. 

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