The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Thankful For Good News

 It wasn't raining this morning but was predicted to start raining by 1:00 pm. We arrived at church at 9:40 am. Mike Kaisner had the morning message on Psalm 113 and Acts 24. During lunch I sent a text to Dr. Hoerr asking if the colt was too far gone to try the Madigan squeeze but didn't hear back during the lunch hour. David had the afternoon message on Jesus' early years Luke 2. Click HERE to watch it. It wasn't raining when we exited the church but by the time we started driving the rain started and it rained all the way home. We got a quarter of an inch but then it stopped. When we got home from church I opened up AC Central and found that Fred Witzig had the message in Washington. This is another one of those sermons that you won't want to miss, just click HERE to watch that.  Rhoda came over to ride Jury and took her for a long trail ride. 

She rode over to Valiant and wouldn't you know Jury stopped and showed.
Rhoda took her right over to the breeding stand and Valiant got her covered. Jury was put away, Rhoda used the golf cart to take the saddle back.
The Pickles the cat came right over to where I was standing and laid down putting her back paw on my sneaker.
She really craves attention from people. On the way back to the house I stopped to take a picture of the tiny rose bush that Ray and Shirley gave me. It has one bloom right now but the promise of more. I'm so glad it survived. 
We heard in church today that Ray was in the hospital and are praying it is nothing serious.
Mark's marigolds are doing great.
Mark, Rhoda and I drove to Gil's for supper tonight. Phil and Anna were there with Gertie's family and all enjoying a meal out so we stopped by their table and visited a bit. After supper we took the golf cart over to the barn where the volleyball players were playing inside as it was much to wet outside.
Dr. Hoerr sent the picture below of Sheena's colt.
He wrote: He was standing on his own this morning, He is on his feet more and starting to hold his head up this afternoon. Starting to have a little suckle reflex. These are all improvements so let's carry on another day.
Thankful for good news. I've been praying for this colt off and on all day. Now if ONLY he would learn to nurse tonight.

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