The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Thankful For Air Conditioning

 Wow another really hot morning that turned into an oven of a day. Diane, Ruth and I walked. Joan had an errand so stopped on her way out to visit a bit. We stopped at her house and I took a picture of the wilting flowers in this extreme heat. That is Ruth's dog waiting at the door.

I went straight to mom's as today is my day. Aunt Jinnie left early for quilting. Mom and Karin both slept in this morning not coming out for breakfast until 8:00 am. After Karin left I went out to water the tomato plants and saw the hummingbird drinking from the flowers on mom's deck.
I noticed the humming bird feeder was out of sugar water so made up a batch. We had left over pizza for our lunch. As we were eating Mark sent the picture below.
Ugh, and water is SO expensive. This is Evan's paddock, evidently he got hot and was splashing the water with his nose and  hit the plug. As Aunt Jinnie was here I took the golf cart over, found the plug sitting next to the waterer and popped that back in then drove over to Ribbon's old paddock, took the metal plate off the plug on that waterer and put it on top of the plug in Evan's paddock. By the time this was fixed the water was already flowing to the drive and down to the main driveway. What a waste. When Karin came home I stopped in at the barn where Anna was working. She found some fantastic buys getting a rechargeable battery sweeper.
24 plates ( she will pick up 26 more on the next trip)
The plates are microwaveable and dishwasher safe.
Check out the decorations on the South wall.
The next two pictures were taken in the master bedroom.

She also bought a chair for that room which I forgot to take a picture of.
The next picture was taken in the master bathroom.
All I could say is WOW, the living area is really looking nice. She was busy applying tile as the kitchen backsplash.
I left for home to get a few things done in the house. Mark came home early and was really hot from working outside. I checked the temperature right then and it was 99 degrees with a real feel of 116.
It was too hot to want to cook so just fried a potato and made a salad for dinner. After dinner we went to check out the barn as both Phil and Anna were there this evening. We have BATHROOM DOORS! 

Anna had even found the perfect plaques so the kids will know which one to use.
The boys bathroom had some interesting decorations. The one below was hung above the bathroom sink. 
The next one was hung above the toilet. It's good for young boys to be reminded. Anna thought they might be a little bossy but I thought they were perfect.
Mark and I were cleaning up when we saw that Spark and Rhonda were home and visiting with mom so walked over. Spark and Rhonda told us about their trip to Michigan and to New Jersey. Diane and Mike had also stopped in. It was a good way to end a hot day. We are ALL so thankful for air conditioning!


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