The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, August 4, 2023

Sheena's Heartache

 Sheena had a black colt this morning. I discovered him standing by her at 6:45 am on my way up to the barn. At first I was delighted but soon realized there was something wrong. He had not yet nursed and didn't seem interested in even trying. I was able to get them outside the paddock while waiting for Mike to arrive. The colt laid down and even that wasn't quite right with his head tucked into his belly. 

We got him standing easily but again, he was lethargic and didn't seem interested in trying to nurse.
We walked him to the stall barn, got them into a stall, tried to put him in the correct position but that didn't help. I thought if we could do the Madigan Squeeze he may end up ok.  If  you have not heard about this procedure this is what the internet says about it: The Madigan foal squeeze technique is a procedure in which thoracic pressure is applied to a young foal in order to induce recumbency and a slow-wave sleep. The procedure can be used as a method of restraint or as a treatment for foals exhibiting clinical signs of neonatal maladjustment syndrome. IF interested in learning about the Madigan Squeeze click HEREI called the clinic at 8:00 am and asked Emma if they had anyone at the vet clinic that could do it and she replied Dr. Pallen could and she would call her to see if she would come out and would call me right back. When she called back it was to report Dr. Hoerr wanted Mike to bring Sheena and the colt into the clinic. We loaded them up and off Mike went with the colt standing next to Sheena.
Mike sent back the message that the colt's heart was not beating correctly and may have a hole in the heart.  They put him on the gurney, strapped him in to treat him. Sheena was having a fit until Mike opened the stall door and let Sheena touch him. From that point on she was perfect as long as she could touch him.
Dr. Hoerr also treated him for dummy foal syndrome but as far as I know they did not do the squeeze. They milked Sheena and tube fed the colt getting lots of colostrum into his belly.
Diane stayed with mom until Mike left with Sheena then I took her place and stayed until Karin came home. Aunt Jinnie read her book to us then after lunch mom put on a Christian movie she found on Pureflix while Aunt Jinnie worked on her needlepoint.
I haven't heard how the colt is doing but no news is better than bad news at this point. We heated up the walleye in the air fryer, fried up the left over baked potato from last night and added an egg roll to the meal and that was good enough for dinner. It should have been served with a big salad but neither of us felt like eating that. This evening Mark worked on cleaning out and organizing his car which really needed it. I got 2 loads of laundry done and then just rested.  Amazon has season 3 of the Chosen on prime for free. I have watched it before but am watching it again and enjoying it as much or more than the first time of watching. 

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