The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, August 28, 2023

Extra Mowing

Mark wanted an omelet for breakfast so I made a double.  Half was given to him this morning and the other half put in the fridge for tomorrow's breakfast.

  The morning was really cool, so cool Diane came out with a jacket. We were talking about our trip to Florida with Ruth on the walk when Ruth reminded us of the hurricane coming that is supposed to hit on Wednesday morning, the day our plane was supposed to take off. Well with a hurricane coming and mom going with us, plus the governor declared a state of emergency and stated that there would be loss of power for Florida. We realized there was no way we were going to make this trip.  We stopped at mom's to explain that to Karin and Mom. Karin explained it to Jackie and now that trip is officially canceled. We will lose some of the money paid in but not all of it. We really just can't take a chance of getting mom there in that heat with no air conditioning. Instead we are planning on taking mom to Norris this weekend for a camping trip and then to the Ark Encounter. On our walk we stopped at the cabin so Joan and Bethany could see the new staircase up to the loft.
It was my turn to be with mom today so we talked about the new plans we could make now that we have 2 weeks free. When Karin came I went straight to the 5th wheel to check the fridge now that the wasp nest and wasps are all gone and was thrilled to find it working.  The cover of the vent was taken down to the house to wash.
Mark was willing to do some mowing today as long as I opened and shut gates.
It was crazy how fast everything grew when the rain started a few weeks ago. I wanted to get the barn cleaned up and a video taken of it now that it is almost finished.
Just for your information, we are waiting on the stalls for the girls bathrooms. 
Dan came over while I was working on the upstairs.  He bought a 15 ft by 12 ft drop cloth that may work as a projector screen and wanted to see how it would fit. 
We had BLT's for supper and after supper Mark mowed the weeds down in the round pen. He will weed whack that tomorrow and I'll give it a try with Evan and Valiant. If it doesn't work as a grass round pen we will put weed killer on it and go back to sand.

I could hear the girls playing volley ball so drove over to the playground to watch as usually 4 of my grand daughters play but tonight there were only 3 grand daughters playing.

I'm thrilled to get some of this extra mowing done. 

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