The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

A Full Day

 Pickles the cat was not at the door waiting for her breakfast. Mark took the cat food up to the barn and gave our old cat hers where we always feed her and then left some for pickles in the barn aisle. On our walk I stopped to take pictures of Joan's Hibiscus bush.

The blooms are so big they hang down forming a perfect fairy umbrella.
Ruth and I just did one round then went in to visit with mom and Joan.  I showed them the drawing Kathy Obergfel did for the new barn.  That was placed on the desk after the walk.
I needed to leave by 8:30 am for Dr. Stoller's office in Pekin for a teeth clean and check. I arrived just before 9:00 am but didn't get called in until 9:20 am. There were two other people in the waiting room but both got called in before me.
When it was my turn everything went efficiently. I needed x-rays as had not had them for over 2 years. Those were done first then the cleaning. Dr. Stoller came in looked at the x-rays spent a few minutes checking my teeth stood up and said, "you're great." When I told him I'm going to post that he immediately changed that to, "your TEETH are great." I'm not a very good patient as I just don't need extra work. Mark on the other hand is a good patient for that office. He had two cavities this time. Anna was here working in the barn when I got back. 
The picture she is installing is really a sound absorbing wall art.
I had to leave for Aldi and picked up food for the Friday night meal, the Saturday morning breakfast, Sunday morning breakfast and the Sunday night meals which we are serving for mom's mini reunion. Uncle Johnny, Aunt MaryLu, Aunt Sandra and her daughter Sarah are all coming in on Friday. All of mom's siblings will be together for the first time in years. Mark picked up a water cooler for the gym so we stopped at the barn on our way to church to put that inside. It is almost as good as a water fountain but also serves COLD water for thirsty players. 
We checked out what got done today. The boys bathroom now has running water in the vanity and almost all of the tile work is done in both bathrooms. Below is the sound absorbing wall art.
We will see if it really works. Phil also got the gym airconditioners installed.
Craig Stickling had the evening message on Ezekiel 10 and Galatians 5. Click HERE if you would like to watch that. After church a group went to Culvers. A full day.

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