The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, July 16, 2023

A Gift

I'm always thankful to wake up on a Sunday and today was even more special. Tim Funk made an announcement that since the downstairs is going to be remodeled if anyone wanted anything we would have 2 weeks to claim what ever we wanted.  Well I've been looking at buying tables both round and rectangle and was thrilled to put my name on some of those.

Hopefully I can get help to load them on Mark's trailer, they are heavy wood and 8 foot long. Mark is going to look for some carts to buy to keep them on. There was also a 30 cup coffee maker that will be perfect for the barn. This is SUCH a wonderful gift for the barn. Kathy H brought Nancy to church and Nancy was wearing her hat. She was very pleased with the hat and would not take it off.
Lucy was glad to help Nancy after lunch.
Tim Funk had the morning message, click HERE if you would like to see that. and Mike Kaisner had the afternoon and if you would like to watch that message click HERE.  After church Mark prepared the hamburgers then grilled them for our dinner. We were joined by Rhoda and Lee's family and Taunya, Addyson, Jack, Jace and Abe.  After supper the golf cart was used to shuttle kids to the barn to play and then to the playground and lake for swimming. I watched the volley ball for a while before heading down to the lake. The video below shows just some of the fun.
Below are a few pictures of the kids swimming. 

I had to leave as both the 5th wheel and the apartment booked for tomorrow. Mark and I worked together on emptying the tanks. We have been watching youtube videos on tank health and believe we have a good system now. We shall see. 

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