The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, November 14, 2022

Too Soon

 I went out early to feed the weanlings this morning and was very glad I did. Their waterer was frozen. They had no water at all to drink. I called Mike then filled a bucket of water and brought it out to them. They each drank but not a lot so must not have been without water too long. They were glad for their grain.  Mike came while we were walking and fixed it. And SO It Begins, the problems when winter arrives too soon. Valentino, Tatiana's colt is in the indoor arena loose. He was also glad to see me and came running for his grain.  After the walk I left for the Peoria post office to pick up the Berean mail. There were 6 Bibles returned, I peeled off the rejection label to find out why. 

You want to know what is awful about that?  We just had 16 boxes of 100 each of the mailers delivered to the Berean office.
It is crazy how difficult it has become to ship a Bible to a prison. It seems like each week there is a new rule just so the mail room can reject the Bible.  Sam's club was the next on the agenda for today. Mom's house needed cheese cake, lettuce, coffee and creamer. Our house also needed some of that too but I also bought an 8 pound pork loin for a decent price.  Aldi was the last stop before heading home with the groceries. The wood burner has been going strong all morning and I was glad it was still going when I got home from all the shopping. More wood was brought in and the wood burner stoked before taking the coffee and foods over to moms. After eating some lunch the weanlings were checked on and all three worked with.
Above is Valentino and below is Tess.
Below is Valerie checking out the water bucket.
I told Ruth I would be at her house at 3:30 pm to get pictures of Farkas' puppies for the blog. These puppies were born Oct 14th and are AKC registered German Shepherd puppies. They are for sale $750.00 each. If interested in one of these pups know they are well socialized, played with every day and will be a loyal protective part of your family. German Shepherds are known for their loyalty, courage, and excellent guarding instincts as they are fearless, agile, and VERY clever. Farkas had TEN puppies and all of them are fat and happy.
Mark got home a little early from work and went out to split more logs with Mackenson helping him. Today was a productive Monday.

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