The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

First Snowfall

 We awoke to snow on the ground with more coming down. There was no wind to knock the beautiful fluffy snow off any of the branches. It really was gorgeous. Below are just a few of the pictures taken this morning.

If you would like to see the rest of the pictures click HERE. Below is a short video as we were crossing the dam of the alligator swamp (really the retention pond)
Right after the walk Aunt Jinnie and I left for Berean. Mom stayed back as we weren't sure of the roads. IF you would like to read about our morning at the Berean office click HERE. After the work there we drove straight to the Hanna City post office to drop off the Bibles and studies. Aunt Jinnie needed to buy 11 forever stamps for Europe so she went in and asked for those.  The poor post office lady had never sold those and asked if Aunt Jinnie knew what they looked like. She went through pretty much all of her stamps but couldn't find any for Europe then remembered the safe. They were in the safe but were dated 2020. As they are forever stamps they should still be good.
When we finally got back in the car Aunt Jinnie commented that Hanna City is certainly not like New York.  She then told me when she needed to get change for a hundred dollar bill. She went into the bank, had mom with her and the teller had to call the bank manager over to get that accomplished.  Yes, we may be hick town and not used to fancy stamps for Europe and hundred dollar bills but we are happy here, we know our neighbors and if someone is in need the word spreads quickly and help arrives. While we were hard at work at the Berean office mom was out on her deck rolling snow for a snowman.
Each year there is a competition out here of who can make the first snowman of the season. This year there was a compromise. Mom made the head and Joan's kids made the body.
They ALL won! 
After that hard work they went inside and made snow ice cream.
They declared it delicious!  Joan needed to leave by 2:00 pm so I went over to mom's until Diane arrived with supper. We have such a good system that works well as so many of us live close. It is supposed to snow again tonight then turn bitter cold. We will be bringing in lots of wood for the wood burners. Thankful for a full woodshed. If you have read all the way to the end of this post, there was one more thing that needed to be added but I decided it belonged on yesterday's post. Ruth gave me a picture of the puppies sire. his name is Dexter. IF you would like to see him and the puppies again click HERE.

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