The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Another Blessed

 Peoria church was blessed with visitors today as we had 4 baptisms after the afternoon service. Rachel and Dave served lunch and even though church was almost full still had plenty for everyone. Ruth took mom and Aunt Jinnie to church as Joan's family were in Ohio for a wedding. Ruth took my car home from church as she needed to leave after the morning service. Sarah helped with mom in the afternoon.  Spark ended up driving Mark and I along with mom and Aunt Jinnie to the jail to pick up his van then Mark drove us the rest of the way home. John was there to visit with mom so a quart of frozen  chicken soup and a quart of chili were taken over for he and Beth.   Ben, Jace and Abe were the first to arrive at our house. Thankfully Ben was willing to work on my computer. I had been getting notices that our hotmail account was accessed by someone from Russia but it turned out to be a scam. I was pretty sure it was so wouldn't open any of those emails but thought I may as well call in one of the experts.  Rhoda, Phil and Anna's family all arrived about the same time with Taunya, Addyson and Jack a little later. Tonight we had chili, cinnamon rolls, hot dogs for kids, salad and some of us had chili dogs. We also had plenty of grapes, pears and apples. The kids went out to the barn to play for awhile after supper then when they came in we played games with old peoples canes. 

The kids are now gone, the dishes are done and I think we will have an early night. Thankful for another Blessed Sunday. 

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