The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, October 28, 2022

Packing for Home

 Our last sunrise here in Gulf Shores as we leave before we leave for home tomorrow at 5:00 am. It really was another beautiful sunrise.

We had pancakes and sausage for breakfast and after breakfast the morning was so nice we all decided to go out to the beach.
While at the beach Rachel noticed a sea slug at the waters edge. Faith brought it over.
They carried it over and put it in a tide pool to watch it move.
Faith and Berlica walked over to Diane's condo to pick up the paddle board and brought it over to where we were sitting before going out into the gulf.
We saw dolphins heading our way so they took the paddle boat out right away to try to get near them.
Unfortunately the wind picked up so they weren't able to make it out far enough. Joan and Greg brought their fishing poles out and soon Spark came to fish too except there were no fish biting. No one caught fish today. The wind started blowing stronger and was bringing the seaweed in which was messing up their poles. They all quit. The wind was so strong we needed to move off the beach and go to Diane's pool. It was really warm there but when the clouds moved in we decided to go back to the condo where Diane had lunch ready for us. We decide as it was cloudy out for the afternoon to just stay in and pack. Diane and Joan carried the paddle board to Spark and Rhonda's place.
At 5:00 pm we decided to go to DeSoto's for dinner and were joined by everyone of the family that are still here.

After the vote we decided it really is our favorite restaurant here in Gulf Shores. The food is delicious and the senior menu quite reasonable.
I got the fried trigger fish, mom got the seared tuna and Aunt Jinnie ordered the shrimp.
After supper came the 'real' packing. Mom's lift recliner was taken out to the wheel chair van by Mackenson and Joan.
It wasn't easy getting it through the hallways, into the elevator and then into the van but with Mackenson's muscles it happened.
Dan came over with the Prius so we could load our luggage in that car to leave plenty of room in the van for all the equipment we need for mom's travel. Pray for our safe travel tomorrow.

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