The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, July 10, 2022

We're HOME

 We had another beautiful sunrise but no pelicans were in sight. There were plenty of ducks, a few geese and a couple big blue herons.

The coffee maker was started before admiring the golden beauty. Almost everyone was up early as today was check out.  We had a leisurely breakfast and enjoyed visiting around the campfire for a while after breakfast.
In the picture above the adults are visiting after breakfast, the 4 littles (Abe, Elisabet, Zion and  Eden were playing on the 2003 truck while the older grands were hanging around the food finishing up any scraps they could find.  For breakfast we had 42 farm fresh eggs scrambled in hot bacon grease, 50 sausage links, 30 biscuits that had been buttered then fried in the big pan and put in a crock pot to keep warm,  4 pounds fresh ripe strawberries and a cream cheese strawberry butter braid right out of the oven so there were plenty of delicious left overs for the kids to enjoy.  With so many adults clean up and packing went quickly.  The next job was the yucky end of the camp job that campers don't really enjoy and that was dumping the tanks.  We took the 2011 first and as we were dumping that we had the rest line up behind leaving the one we were going to be driving home for last.  David and Stephanie drove the 2003 truck with the 2011 trailer and that sucks through gas so quickly I knew they would be stopping for gas while the rest of us could make it back to Hanna City.  Since that truck is so old I wanted them ahead of us and if they broke down we could rescue them. They left at least a half hour before we did we expected to catch up with them but didn't so I was hopeful they made it. We pulled into the Casey's right behind the motorhome and filled up at the same pump.  The motorhome's bill was $104.67 while Fedi's truck was just $94.84.  I'm pretty impressed that the motorhome does almost as well as a truck pulling a camper. AT almost $5.00 a gallon that is just 2 gallons more for the motorhome. David and Stephanie were not at the farm when we arrived so of course we worried they were broken down on the road somewhere but instead David took 78 and drove to his house first. That way they could unload  the trailer and  Stephanie and the kids could put everything away while David brought back the truck and trailer.  Nolan and Sarah used the Wildwood and did the same as David taking that straight to their house to unload. When Nolan brought the trailer back it was taken right over to the playground and the electric hooked up for Ruth and her grandchildren to camp in for the next few days. I got a lot of the sheets in the washer then started on putting the camping gear away. The people buying Soul's orphaned colt drove from Missouri today to come meet him for the first time. They were pleased with him and would also like to buy a Friesian filly from us if one comes available. After they left I finished emptying the trailer, got the sheets out of the dryer and took them up for the motorhome and the Salem. Anna and Phil arrived and made the beds in the motorhome. I decided as today IS  Sunday and IS a day of rest that the rest of the work could wait until tomorrow and went over to mom's where Joan, Berlica, Karin and Diane were playing games with mom and Nancy watching.  Berlica left to play with Ruth's grandchildren so I joined in the games. When I got home the pictures and videos from the camping trip were put on a jumpdrive and transferred to the desk top. Tomorrow I will work on a video of this trip. Right now I'm heading up to the barn now with another gallon of milk for the orphan and then I'm heading to bed.

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