The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Sleep Well

 Today was a physical working hard day. Right after our walk I started baking and baked 4 butter braids then 48 biscuits. Once the last were out of the oven I started bringing supplies down from upstairs and packing those supplies into tubs for 5 trailers.  Joan was with mom today so when mom fell asleep, she left Faith in charge and helped me hook up 3 trailers. Those were brought here and plugged in and the Wolf Pup taken over to Joan's. I was finishing up the dishes from the baking when Amy sent a text that she and Donna would be here in 45 minutes.  That would have given me plenty of time to clean up a bit but Marli, the farmer with the chickens sent a message I could come to pick up 5 dozen eggs. The eggs were needed for the camping trip so instead of straitening up the house I left to pick up eggs. They had just been put in the fridge when Amy and Donna arrived. I haven't seen Donna for a long time so it was good to catch up. I gave them a quick tour of what we are doing here but it was so hot we didn't stay outside very long. The house felt wonderful as the air conditioner was on. These last two days have been terribly hot. As soon as Amy and Donna left the colt was fed then I left for Kroger. It was just too late to drive into Pekin to go to Aldi. I needed to buy a few more groceries for the trip and really wanted to pick up ice cream as the trailer freezers were working well and that will be a nice treat when camping.  Kroger Deluxe was on sale so I picked up 4 French Vanilla.  That means brownies will need to be baked to go with the ice cream but it was much too hot to turn the oven back on. Kroger also had some fried chicken ready so picked up two thighs for our dinner. Those had been $1.98 for two but today they were $3.75 for two and believe it or not they were smaller than normal. Not sure how they can find little chickens to fry but they did. I also bought 4 medium size avocados as those were marked $1.50 each except when I got home and looked at the receipt they charged $2.99 each. That is what I get for not checking before I left the store. What a rip off.  Mike sent the picture below. He and Berlica took Chocolate swimming and on a trail ride. 

The first job was to make sure he would go into the water and swim, not sink.  Almost all horses know how to swim but we had a mare that just couldn't. She would sink each time so we never want to try for the first time with a rider. 
They next went on steep trail and over big logs. Chocolate was a little worried but Berlica encouraged him and he figured it out.
Phi and Anna came tonight and picked up their trailer taking it to their house for packing.  Tomorrow morning I'll need to start emptying my fridge and distributing the food between the trailer fridges as we have 22 people camping for 3 full days.  I have one more job to do before I can hit the sack and that is to run another gallon of milk out for the orphan.  I'm tired tonight and will sleep well.

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