The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, July 2, 2022


 I took the car over to the cabin field to fill the water tank there and feed the horses grain. Loxley is now eating his mama's grain. 

When they finished and started moving away I took the picture below. 
We went up to the barn for our second job this beautiful Saturday. Mark used the tractor to lift the 5th wheel, move it forward about a foot and then put blocks under the supports.
As soon as the back area is done we will be moving it behind the barn and then I can advertise it on Airbnb. The tractor hitch was removed and the road grader put on the tractor. 
That 2 inch rain a few days ago did a real number on the hill drive creating craters.
As I have airbnb guest coming in today I really needed this drive graded. Those craters were so deep he had to make two trips up the hill.
I took a few pictures of the orphan colt and Rosaleigh's filly. They are now best friends.

Rosaleigh's filly is just spectacular. I'm so glad we are keeping this one.
The next job Mark wanted to do was to remove the grader and hook the manure spreader up.
Today was the perfect day to start spreading manure on the fields. The skid steer was used to clean the paddocks and the manure was dumped into the spreader then taken to the field.
Since Mark wanted to work on the paddocks Oksana and Jewel along with their foals were put in the pond pasture with Rosaleigh, Tessa and the orphan. I had to watch to make sure they wouldn't pick on the orphan. Jewel was fine but I had to get after Oksana a couple times. Below is a short video of first the 3 then when they were all together and coming back from the pond pasture.
They came back but then ran right back across the pond.  When they finally came back to the paddock they were all standing together. Rosaleigh is actually protecting the orphan by allowing him to stand next to her filly. 
I snapped the picture below of Jewel's filly and Oksana's colt in the pond pasture playing.
These two were born just 1 day apart and if they are not with their dam they are with each other. I needed to relieve Ruth at 1:00 pm but right after she left a message came in from the people wanting to see the wolf pup. I tried calling Mark but he didn't answer so called Ruth to ask if she would come back.  Karin arrived right after that call so Ruth was cancelled, Karin stayed and I ran over to quick turn on the air conditioner and lights and right then they arrived.
They really liked the trailer but have no where to store it. I'm not willing to keep it here without using it, we may as well just keep renting it if it doesn't sell.  I left to head back to mom's when I realized I had left the awning open and the air conditioner and lights still on so drove back to shut the awning and turn everything off. Mark worked on paddocks this afternoon then at 4:45 pm ordered Chinese food from a restaurant on Main street and brought us supper. It was really delicious. Dan arrived just as we were finishing up.  Mark stayed to visit a while so I ran up to the apartment to turn the lights on for the guests coming in then headed back.  Dan brought his guitar and played some for mom. We always enjoy his music.
After I got home from mom's house the milk was made up and tonight was a little harder to feed the colt. I finally held the mares, opened the gate with his bucket outside, he came out, the mares were let loose the gate shut, the bucket picked up and he followed me into the middle paddock to where I usually hang his bucket. The back gates are open so as soon as he finished he can rejoin them.  When I got back to the house there was a notice from a repeat buyer wanting to buy Oksana's colt.  Below is a picture of him. Oksana was checking out the cat who decided to come into the paddock and lay down.
They were sent the information on how to send the deposit but I won't mark him sold until that comes. 
David posted his 2022 spring video. We always look forward to these. I've shared it below.
It has been a very productive day and I am very thankful.


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