The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, July 14, 2022

First Swim

It started raining this morning around 6:15 but had stopped by the time I went out with the formula for the colt. Diane, Ruth and I started walking to Joan's but had to stop to take a picture of the turtle that had just dug a hole in the middle of Spark and Rhonda's driveway and laid her eggs. 

Diane sent Rhonda a text telling her she has been gone so long the turtles are using the driveway for a nursery. We got to Joan's house and just as we started walking with her the heaven's opened and the rain poured down. We ended up standing in her garage until the shower passed.  We talked about mom's schedule for the last 2 days of July through Aug 6th. That is our Sceggel vacation so I and my family will all be gone. Ruth is back to work that week so can't help during the week days. Joan can work the days and is going to ask Sarah and Hannah if they can help out that week.  Ruth is willing to take weekends and some evenings. Dan and Susan are coming this Sunday. Rachel is always good about taking 3 slots, Beth, Diane and Spark and Rhonda can also help in evenings so I think all should be well. If it goes well during that week I might just schedule a hip replacement before everyone leaves for Gulf Shores for the winter. After the walk the grain was taken out.  I am now feeding the grain a couple hours after giving the colt his milk so he will eat more of it. That worked, below he is chowing his grain down.
The afternoon feeding of the colt didn't go as planned. The horses were on the other side of the pond and he didn't want to leave them. I had to climb over the fence and start walking toward the dam before he came. 
He drank but not with the gusto he usually drinks the milk and he didn't finish it. Instead took off galloping back up to the shelters where the mares had gone.  This means I can cut him back some on the expensive formula.  This evening Mike helped Faith, Berlica, Rosabella and Rochelle take the horses swimming. This was the first time Chocolate, Earl's gelding has been asked to swim across the lake. Berlica did well encouraging him to cross. Sally and Missy were the first to cross, then Cookie and finally Chocolate.

One nice surprise this morning was last night Mike mowed a couple paddocks while we were at church. I didn't see it until the walk this morning.
Faith got the mowing done around the new barn. 

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