The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, July 22, 2022

DIE Worm

The colt was fed around 6:30 this morning and while he was drinking his milk Jewel and her filly were taken into the stall. I didn't have time to treat the filly's leg until after the walk. Today she willingly let me halter her and stood while the leg was hosed off well and the antibiotic applied. It is draining well and her lower leg needed a good scrubbing to get all the sticky serum off. She is walking much better. When I was done they were put into the paddock and she walked right over to the salt block and started licking it and didn't even quit when her mom went out the back gate into the pond pasture.

When she realized she was in the paddock by herself she took off quickly. The stalls were cleaned and then I left to pick up the Wildwood trailer from the repair shop. That was parked at my house for the morning. My next job was to load the car with the wood scraps left from building the stairs then drive them to our wood shed and stack it. These pieces make great fire starters for our wood burners. I quit after a couple loads. We have those awful tomato worms show up on our plants yesterday. I killed two and Mark killed one this afternoon.  Mark heard the tomato worms are easy to see with a black light and ordered one tonight. They are such a disgusting worm and destroy the tomato plants. I want them DEAD! We have a lot of cherry tomatoes now ripe so those were picked and taken over to mom's. It was my turn to be at mom's starting at 1:00 and staying until bed time so the meal for tonight was planned and brought over after lunch. Mark grilled porterhouse steaks, I sautéed mushrooms, onions, stir fried sugar snap pea pods, and boiled some fresh picked sweet corn. For dessert we had brownies covered with vanilla custard. I left mom's at 8:35 pm and by 8:48 had the orphan's milk made up, fed him, checked on the foals and was back inside. Joan had 2 campers leave today and neither person brought the correct ball. Both of the campers that left today needed the 2 5/16ths inch and both brought a 2 inch ball. I took one off my old truck and the second one was taken off the 2015 truck. I still have my drop down 2 5/16ths ball for the horse trailer but we decided we'd better have a few extra of the straight 2 5/16ths on hand.   

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