The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Turn On the Heat

 No walk today it was raining and I needed to leave early for the Berean office so I could stop first to pick up the mail at the Peoria post office.  I made it to the Berean office in enough time to turn the heat and lights on and make a pot of coffee.  What I didn't realize is we were completely out of coffee cups.  Shirley Ringger saved the day by driving back to her house for coffee cups which she had left over from her wedding.  We had a very good time at the Berean office and were kept busy by quite a bit of mail.  All of those pictures and videos that were taken today will have to be posted tomorrow. I left the camera at that office. I have to go back anyway, I have 3 letters here that need to be processed and 2 from Kathy that need to be checked from last week. Anna is dropping off Sarah and Nolan's 3 girls tomorrow late morning so I'll have to leave early for Berean to be home before Anna brings the girls. I drove straight up to the the barn once home, unhooked the horse trailer and took off for D & H Trailer repair to pick up the Wildwood. 

That was not a good trip, the trailer isn't repaired, the battery disconnect has not been installed, the trailer was moved and in a muddy area and the battery cables were put back so on the brand new battery was dead as could be. I had to tromp all the way back through the mud to the office to ask for a jump then back through the mud to meet the guys bringing the jump.  I was grumbling on the way home until I finally realized, good grief it isn't worth being grumpy, it is just a battery. The Wildwood was parked near the shed so it could be plugged in except I couldn't pull the plug out without a tool to grip it. It was still drizzling and still cold and by this time my shoes were soaked through with mud and water.  I walked in the door and a message came through that 7 dozen  fresh laid eggs were ready for pick up. Back in the car and off I went to the farm to pick up the eggs. Three dozen were taken to mom's house, 1 dozen was taken to Diane's and I took the other 3 dozen.  That is what I cooked for dinner tonight.  First the sausage was fried, then I sliced thin a baked potato and fried that up and finally added the fresh eggs.  Both Mark and I enjoyed that. We had a ripe pear for dessert. The last job today was to put Tatiana inside. It is so wet and cold outside I sure don't want her delivering unless it is inside.  She is starting to progress, her udder was tighter this evening and I saw a drop of liquid on one of her teats. Not enough to say she is waxing but it is a start. Tomorrow no rain is predicted cloudy and 50s, still cold. Crazy this is May 3rd and we had to turn the heat back on. 

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