The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

A Mild Case

Mark got up early and by 6:00 am he was out weed whacking the barns, then took a apart the swing on the front porch and hauled that over to the dumpster before coming in for a big breakfast.  I'd say he is for sure on the mend. Thankfully this new variant seems to be quite mild. More like a bad cold. We both stayed home today but both of us were productive.  I got Tatiana teased and covered, the barns cleaned up the new harnesses put away a bale moved in to the middle paddock and by this evening put both Jury and Madiera inside the indoor arena. We have rain moving in around midnight and I don't want them delivering outside in the rain.  Madiera is now bagging up but not waxing. Jury at 6 days over due has started to bag up but still not where her udder needs to be.   Tomorrow we have a family coming to pick up Madiera. We have not sold Madiera but this family would like to purchase her foal and want the opportunity to be there when the foal is born.  They are a local family and I met them so agreed. I took the pictures below when I went out to tease around 7:00 am.  As soon as I walked out the door the perfume of locust flowers hit me.  They have a delightful sweet odor. The trees are white with blossoms.

That is Rosalie and her mother Lily in that shelter chowing away. Lily's filly is laying down so we can't see her in the picture. 
The iris plants are also blossoming.

The people that did the septic tank and field for the new barn arrived with a skid steer to smooth out the area. They will come one more time. It can't be done all at once as there is settling around the tank.
This evening I walked up to put Madiera and Jury away and walked to the back of the barn first to check out the work Mark did on the big holes. They both look good.
My goal is to move the 5th wheel camper back behind the big barn and try to airbnb it but first it needs some repair.  We have the parts in, now just to get moving on it. I also have 1 pipe under the kitchen sink that needs to be replaced but will need to take a mirror to see which one as the hole is on the back side. On the way back to the house I stopped to take a picture of Soul who happened to have 2 foals with her.  These two colts play together constantly.
Irish was still in the middle paddock but her colt wasn't at all worried about being away from her. 

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