The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Winter Storm Watch

 We had a beautiful day today with sunshine and highs in the 40s. Lots of melting happening around here revealing mud.  While it was still frozen this morning Mark and I brought in 10 loads of wood. We are expecting a winter storm to hit starting with rain on Wednesday then snow on Thursday followed by strong winds and 0 degrees. We will need lots of dry wood when that happens. Right now the storm watch is predicting rain on Wednesday changing to ice early Thursday morning then 5 to 7 inches of snow. We shall see. I left at 7:15 to head over to mom's to relieve Joan. Once mom was up and dressed though I left as I wanted to hit Sam's club  before going to the Berean office.  Karin cooked their breakfast.  We had a very good day at the Berean office.  If you would like to read about that click HERE. At Sam's club I planned on buying a rotissari chicken for our dinner tonight but there wasn't any so on the way home after dropping off the Bibles at the Bartonville post office I stopped at Kroger to pick up a chicken but they didn't have any nor did they have any fried chicken. Thankfully there is a Kentucky Fried chicken in Bartonville so I picked up a 12 piece bucket. As I took the 5:00 pm shift that meant we were providing dinner.  When I got home the sweet potatoes were prepared and stuck in the oven to bake. While that was baking the horses were checked, all waterers are working well and all have plenty of hay but I will need to pick up some new salt blocks soon.

These are 50 pounds each and a few years ago cost $2.99 but now cost $7.00 each. I can't believe how bad this inflation is with no end in sight. At 5:00 pm I headed over with the fried chicken, sweet potatoes, salad with ALL the fixins, deviled eggs and an apple cake for dessert. Mom ate well tonight, pretty much finishing everything on her plate.  She wanted a whirlpool tonight so Karin and I made that happen. 

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