The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, February 21, 2022

Remembering Fun Practices

 Mark wanted to stock up on wood as we will be getting another cold spell Tuesday night.  Below he is bringing a load from the wood shed to the door where he hands it off to me for stacking.

It is a good system and we work well together.
Another warm day and now most of the snow is gone but the mud is back. The drives are getting very muddy and pot holes are showing up. The cars are now splattered with mud as we go back and forth from our house to mom's house.  Three of the paddocks will need a bale tomorrow.  With that cold spell we went through more hay they usual. Karin sent a list of needed items at mom's. I went to 2 different stores to get the groceries as Aldi had some of the items needed and Sam's had the rest. I could not get the Berean mail, it is Presidents day which is a holiday and the post office was closed. Will have to leave early tomorrow morning to get the mail and get it to the Berean office by 9:00 am. When I got back from shopping I made a batch of peanut butter cookies. While making them I remembered why I don't like to bake. As I was moving one batch from the top shelf to the middle shelf, it tipped and half of the cookies fell onto the floor of the oven with some going into the bottom crack of the oven door. What a mess, I had to finish baking the cookies still on the sheet but couldn't get some of the smashed off the floor of the oven so of course those burnt and stunk up the house. Next week I BUY the Berean treat. After all the cookies were baked the oven needed a cleaning before heading over to mom's at 5:00 pm. While they were cooking I listened then downloaded Jeff Waibel's message Sunday morning in the Bloomington church.  It is WELL worth listening to.
Six years ago today we were holding a dress rehearsal here at the Horsemeister farm for the IL Horse Fair.  I remember Rebekah telling the pirates there should be no smiling, just angry pirate faces during the fight scenes but we were all laughing both at the riders and the fight scenes.

If you would like to see the rest of those pictures from that day click HERE. Mom was really tired today. Sunday's are always exhausting. Right after supper she wanted a whirlpool and stayed in there for an hour and went from that straight to bed.  

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