The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Feels Like Spring

 It was 30 degrees this morning and we made it all the way up to 40 today.  Sure feels like spring is in the air.  I was able to work up at the barn. We had lots of snow melt today and even some mud show up. Rachel needs an electric water bucket and I thought I had one, got it all cleaned up and brought it down to the  house only to find the electric cord had been cut off.  I'm not sure I can find another but will look tomorrow, there is still  some barn cleaning to do before my next airbnb guests arrive on Friday.  Mike sent a picture of Rosalie (Lily's daughter) and I think she may have lost her pregnancy. She is supposed to be due March 24th but in the picture Mike sent she doesn't look pregnant. It could be the angle of the picture but she just doesn't look pregnant to me.

She has such gorgeous foals with amazing movement. Pictured below is her 2021 filly by Evan.
If she did lose the expected 2022 foal it be a loss for me.   It is too sloppy wet to head out to check on her and I wouldn't want to breed her back this early anyway so will just wait until March to bring her in. The next mare due is Irish who is pictured above with Rosalie. She is due April 6th and I'm pretty sure she is still pregnant. Irish delivered a couple weeks early last year so I will need to bring her  in when Rosalie is brought in. Irish is a purebred Gypsy. She was bred to Valiant and if she has a filly we are considering keeping the filly. Of course if the foal is a colt he would be for sale. We just can't have any other stallions on the property.  Irish's first foal was a beautiful black and white filly, exactly what we should have kept 2 years ago. She had beautiful markings. Here's hoping for another just like her.
News from home is mom had a good night last night falling asleep early and sleeping until 7:00 am. The nurse came today and hadn't seen her for a month. Last month was pretty rough with the leg spasms and the reaction to the muscle relaxers but today was good.

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