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Thursday, February 24, 2022

Canada Bank Run

 Yesterday Trudeau declared the Emergency act would continue but today he did a quick about face now declaring the emergency is over. Those truckers are crushed. Well perhaps the 'real' reason is what has been happening at 5 major banks in Canada. All 5 went down at the same time and stayed down for hours. It is not surprising, if millions of Canadians no longer believe their money is secure. 

Rebel News reports: “Canada’s largest banks are all offline. Royal Bank, BMO Bank of Montreal, CIBC Bank… What could cause all three to crash on the same day?” The answer, of course, is a classic bank run as the people of Canada rush to pull their deposits out of the country’s banks before the government steals all their money. The dynamic duo of Trudeau and Freeland, in less than 30 days, has managed to reveal to the people of Canada that not only is their government a terrorist authoritarian regime, but that all their life savings and business assets can and will be looted by that same government without notice, for almost any reason whatsoever.  So ARE Freedom truckers crushed?  If anything this actually is very revealing on government overreach.  This small fringe minority that truly is millions strong have inspired the world.  Tamara Lich, one of the convoy organizers has been jailed and denied bale on charges of counselling to commit mischief.  They are not saying she committed mischief, just that she counselled others to "Hold the LINE!" Tamara has NO criminal record and yet is so dangerous she will have to stay in jail until her trial.  This really is outrageous and I can't believe this is happening in Canada.  The other awful news is that Russia has invaded Ukraine. We are praying for the people there. How awful that this is happening.  Jesus said, "And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. . . . For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. . . . All these are the beginning of sorrows"

We had another cold day. I got lots of cleaning done in the house.  Mackenson and Mark brought in lots of wood then took a pickup load over to Joan's for her wood burners. It started snowing this morning just enough to cover the ground but this evening we are getting a mixture of snow and sleet making everything slippery. For dinner tonight Mark used the air fryer and fried fish, fries and asparagus. He is having fun trying different foods. I didn't care for the fries as he added garlic but the fish and asparagus was delicious.   

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