The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Good Mowing Machines.

 Beth spent the night with mom last night and reported mom slept ALL night! This is the first full night sleep she has had since the stroke Monday Sept 20th. She had help with that, she was given an Ambien and it worked. We had tried Aleve pm and Tylenol pm and that didn't touch the restlessness so finally asked the hospice nurse for a real sleep aid. Rachel was on duty this morning but Ruth arrived to help with therapy.  She had mom sitting on the side of the bed and balancing.  The Salem FSX was moved out of the indoor arena today, parked by the breeding shed and plugged in so the fridge will be cold for Hannah's camping trip this weekend. The next job was to move the Wildwood FSX into the barn to get it out of the rain and it rained again today as I was moving it. The camper repair people can't look at it until November 16th so we will need to winterize it soon. Today Onyx and Kincade were turned loose in the indoor arena while I cleaned their stall.  The filly with the green halter is Onyx, Lily's filly by Valiant born April 12th, and the red halter is Kincade, Madiera's colt by Evan born May 30th.

They had fun going in and out of the trailer then running to the far end of the barn. They were left loose in there until this evening.  Below is Sofia, Tatiana's filly. She was following me around so I finally tied her up to get a few decent pictures for her owner. She has now out grown  the weanling halter so I had to tie a knot in the yearling halter to make it semi fit. She was good while putting on the new halter. This one is not a strong halter but now that isn't necessary now that she knows how to tie.

Quiet Dreamer, Hadassah's filly by Evan is still a little standoffish so she needs extra handling. She is learning that I bring the grain so looks forward to that but is not quite sure she wants me touching her. This morning the lead rope was left on her so she could be caught without her running away. I don't want to chase her. She is now tying well. I'm always glad when they learn that.
Her owner will be thrilled with the amount of hair she is already sporting. Check out that tail in the picture above and below. She also has a good amount of feather.

I headed over to mom's to relieve Rachel around 1:30 pm. Mom had been taking a nice nap but when she awoke Ruth was here and started more therapy. Below she is using the bar to stretch her left arm up. She isn't able to use that arm yet but is able to grip and hold the bar with her hand. We were very  pleased with her progress today.
She also did bridges lifting her hips off the bed and was able to pull her left knee up each time. I headed home at 4:00 pm as I wanted to move Onyx back into the stall, put Kincade out with the other 3 weanlings and then clean up the arena.  Mark helped lead Kincade out and Kincade accidently stepped on his foot. He is fine but may not be willing to help next time. Mike arrived with the 4 wheeler and Dancer. As long as they were here Dancer got de-wormed with Quest Plus. She was the one that spit most of it out a couple weeks ago. I took the video of him first backing the 4 wheeler then heading back to the cabin. Dancer is such a sensible HUGE yearling.
It is amazing how green everything is the middle of October.
We have had lots of rain and warm temperatures, the grass has been growing so well that we needed everything mowed again. Joan, Mackenson and Faith did a wonderful job making these yards and the outdoor arena look like a park. So very thankful for mowing help and good mowing machines. A REALLY cool post came from the owner of Bella. Bella is a Raven daughter out of a Trakehner mare.
Bella and her amazing owner Sheryl need 1 more score at 4th level from a different judge towards their silver medal.

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