The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, October 18, 2021

Empty Shelves

 We had a short night, waking at 3:30 am and just couldn't go back to sleep. Instead I sent an email to Hoerr Vet clinic with all the information needed for the travel papers for the 3 weanlings leaving soon. These are only good for 30 days so I sure hope none of them get delayed.  I called the vet clinic at 9:00 am to make sure they got the information and the papers were up and ready to be printed by this afternoon. Quiet Dreamer is leaving tonight. The transport company just called to tell me they would be here around 11:30 pm.  Now I really wish I had taken a nap. Joan reported mom had another rough night. We think it is the medicine that we are giving her to help her sleep. For a couple hours during the night she was sure she was supposed to be carding wool. The sheep were there but she didn't have anyone to help teach her how to card the wool. That was the first crazy dream that kept her awake. The second dream was she was in a shipwreck and was trying to clean up the debris. Poor mom felt like she worked all night long. She even remembered the dream come morning. I went to Sam's club this morning and they still have empty shelves as far as paper towels and toilet paper. I wish someone would have warned me about the coming shortages.  I don't watch the news anymore as they can't be trusted. The stalls were cleaned when I got home. The weanlings were left in the indoor arena for the day. Mom's hospice nurse arrived around noon. We had a big group there waiting for her. We wanted to get some better information on what we can give mom to help her sleep. She is so uncomfortable and restless at night and then tired during the day.  The nurse gave us some really good ideas to try. Ruth as able to help mom do the stand and pivot into the chair from the bed today then later the stand from her chair.  Jessica (Rachel's daughter) arrived to do a little therapy on mom's arm.

Mark came home a little early from work and called for help. Joan, Mackenson and Berlica came to help fill the wood box on the porch. Below they are also filling the wood shed. 
Joan helped get the log splitter back on the tractor. With the price of heating doubling this year we for sure want to have enough wood for the wood burners for the winter. The weanlings were brought inside their stalls for the night. They know the routine, they walk quietly into the stalls where their grain waits. They are now used to being alone in a stall during the night and the together in the indoor during the day.  Quiet Dreamer was given a new halter this evening as the one she is wearing in the picture below is on the last hole and getting a little snug.
There really isn't a good inbetween size so this next halter is a little too big and a knot was tied at the crown so it won't slip off during the transport. I took the video below yesterday during the picnic of Berlica getting swung so high in the hammock that she went flying out.
The two pictures below are also from yesterday's picnic. I forgot they were on my phone.

Rachel came over to stay with mom with a pizza from the Warehouse.  Those are always special and mom really likes pizza.
I'll be heading over soon and will stay until Joan comes for the night. Now that the transport company is coming so late I may as well find a book to read.


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