The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Work Day

 David was the first to arrive today for the barn work day showing up at 8:00 am even though was asked them to come at 9:00.  Mark was glad for the help.  Ben was next to arrive and shortly Phil, Lee and Nolan were here. All of them went right to work. Phil started with the excavator while the others used shovels and picks. Today we were getting the insulation board installed up against the barn but each section needed to be dug down first about 2 feet and that clay was hard as rock. Even the pick axe could hardly break through. We were very glad for the excavator.  Ben relieved Phil after a few hours and by this afternoon the machine digging was finished.  Below are a few pictures. 

While the men were working the girls and I were busy making cotton candy.

Iris loved it but Eden wouldn't even taste it. We got her to hold the cone by telling her she needed to take it to her daddy.
We drove the golf cart up to the barn and I took the short video below: 
Once we were done with cotton candy the bubbles were brought out.

It isn't easy focusing on JUST the bubble.
By afternoon we were all exhausted. I was moving a couple bales in the middle paddock when Anna sent the text that they would be pulling up at Sarah's in 35 minutes. The girls and I jumped in the car to drive down there to pick her up. They were anxious to see their mom after this week without her. When we arrived David was also there picking up Stephanie, Israel and Elisabet so we got to see them too. Zion was also happy to be home. We missed these ladies. Anna and the girls were dropped off at the barn then I went back to moving bales. The guests had checked out around 10:00 am and I started the laundry and removed the garbage then but after the bales were moved finished the laundry and made the bed just in case it would book tonight. It didn't and I was glad now Anna can clean it instead of me. After the last of the digging Mark drove the excavator back to the other barns. 
If you would like to see the rest of the pictures from today click HERE

I left for Sam's club to pick up the food for Sunday dinner and had decided to buy ribeye steak as a thank you for all the help today BUT the ribeye's were $15.98 a pound OR I could be the entire ribroast for $13.98 a pound. That slab of meat was $215.00! Why when I bought Daisy I spent $600.00 on her and she was pregnant!  I really think we need to raise cows again but this time for meat, not for milking. I bought the roast, took it home, sliced most of it into steaks then froze the rest (about a 4 pound roast) for later. Mark is already in bed and as soon as I get my shower I'm heading to bed too. What a productive day.

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