The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, September 13, 2021


 We had a quick but shorter walk this morning. Bethany joined us today and Diane joined in on the phone from Alabama.  I had to leave by 8:00 am to pick up Eden by 8:30 am so Nolan could work. He is working from home some of the time and goes in to Samaritan often.  When Eden and I got home we went to work cutting up vegetables and were able to finish that before it was time to leave for the visitation. Rachel stopped in with flowers for the visitation and helped load the car with the heavy stuff then Mark arrived and helped with the rest.  When we got to the Goodfield Fellowship hall there was plenty of help to unload. Amy was first to show up to help followed by Susan. Spark, Rhonda, and mom were there early but went to the other kitchen not realizing there are 2 kitchens in this fellowship hall. We had everything arranged nicely by the time the Reinhard family came in for lunch.  After lunch they got into a circle and sang. I only videoed just part of one song but every song was beautiful.

The time went very quickly and soon they needed to be in place for the line to start.  We all cleaned up the kitchen and made sure the sandwiches and dips were in the fridge for later but the fruit and vegetables were left out for people to snack on during the long afternoon. Joan was going to bring the rest of the sandwiches out for the evening meal.  I left for Ben and Taunya's house taking Eden with me. Abe was very glad to see her and those 2 played until the rest of the kids got home from school. 
All of the men in the family went to the visitation together while I watched the kids then once they got back Taunya and Ben served us a delicious meal of roast beef, carrots, potatoes and wonderful salad and home made breads. We spent some time visiting together before heading for home.

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