The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, April 26, 2021

Lola Delivers

 Around midnight I could tell Lola was getting close. She had been pacing and looking at her side. I got dressed and waited until she laid down then headed out to the barn. I should have wrapped her tail but didn't bring the vet wrap down. 

At 12:26 she laid down to really work at it. The foal was presenting when my phone went off.
That was Amy, she was up and wanted to know how all was going.  By this time one hoof was back too far as Lola got the head out. I had to tear the sack at that point and pull that leg. That is what they call elbow lock. It just makes it easier for the mare if the legs are straight and this was a big foal.
After the head and legs are both out the mare can usually give one big push and the foal comes shooting out but this one was pretty big and Lola was getting tired so I helped until the shoulders were delivered. At that point the foal did come shooting out. Amy was sent a text that all is well. 
Lola stood up before the cord had snapped. He is a BIG black colt. No spots other than a star.
Lola went right to work cleaning him up.
He was struggling to stand so I left to head back to the house to rest and watched on the monitor. He got stuck in the corner of the stall so out I went back to move him out. He stood pretty quickly at that point but was afraid to take a step.
When he finally figured out those long long legs and even before he nursed, he was trying to trot around Lola.
She was trying to get in position for him to nurse but he just kept circling. He is so tall it took a while for him to figure out how to get low enough but when he did figure it out he nursed well. I can safely head to bed. Thankful for a strong healthy colt and a safe delivery. I video taped the birth and will render that tomorrow.



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