The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

After the Storm

 The snow had stopped by morning, as a joke I sent a picture to Diane asking if Mike could come help Mark plow. The picture below was taken around 6:00 am before the sun came up.

We had snow everywhere and it was only 3 degrees outside. We cancelled the walk. Ruth drove to mom's to brush her hair and visit. My first job of the day was to haul hay for Evan. He was turned out for a bit in the field and had a good time galloping around while I worked.

Mark wanted to use the truck but didn't need the trailer so that had to be taken off which wasn't easy with the cold, ice first then snow on top but eventually I got that job done and the truck moved down to the garage.  Valiant was very curious about everything I was doing but I was too busy to hike through the deep snow over to him. 
Oksana and Irish were also watching me work. Irish was bred to Valiant and is due April 23rd while Oksana was bred to Evan due April 30th but I think she lost her foal last fall. She is not as big as she should be. 

Hopefully tomorrow afternoon Mark will help move two new bales into the middle paddock, one in the short shelter and one in Evan's paddock. Next was shoveling the drive and patio. The snow was so light last night but enough fell that the sheer amount was pretty heavy. Thankfully it wasn't a wet snow.
Above I was standing on the shoveled patio looking at the yard and below is from the patio looking at the garage. That was a lot of snow to move by hand. 
Faith went over to mom's and was enjoying an ice sickle hanging down from the roof. They must have been over shoveling at mom's house.
Just for fun I measured the snow on top of the table on the patio.
It was exactly a foot deep.
The rest of the day was spent inside warming up by the wood burner while listening to AC Central. Today I listened to Morton's second service and after the message listened to Morton's announcements. Their opening committee had VERY good news. Masks are no longer needed while singing. They will still have a section for those that want to wear masks but the rest of the people are no longer required to wear them. Oh how I pray Peoria follows the same opening committee. (by the way Peoria.. they have TWO services each Sunday) We always sit way in front so no one is in front of us and we can sing without a mask. Have you ever tried to sing with a mask?  My glasses fog up breathing out and each time I breath in the mask sucks up against my mouth. That is just not very comfortable and of course the masks muffle the praise.                                       
Mark was pleased to find the shoveling done when he got home from work. 

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