The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Hazel Update

 It was pretty hard to get moving this morning at least until 2 cups of strong coffee was downed. Right after the walk I went to Sam's club and bought meat for our trip to Gulf Shores finding some bargains. I also stopped at Diane's office and got the Horsemeister check book balanced. I made one mistake, forgetting to include a deposit. That is always a nice mistake. The bank stop was next to deposit a few checks. We have someone coming tomorrow to buy the stump grapple.

Unfortunately that was stored behind the campers and tractors so some of that nice organizing was for nothing. When Mark got home he moved the two tractors while I took the bale spear off the skid steer and backed it up to the FSX trailer. Mark hooked it up and that was dragged forward enough to get around to the stump grapple. I'm very thankful for the quick attach feature on the skid steer and the grapple. That was hooked up quickly, the trailer moved back into place, the two tractors put back and we were done. Rhoda sent a text that all of Hazel's puppies are now nursing well and Hazel is cleaning them up. She is very grateful for Dr. Hoerr's willingness to meet us in the middle of the night and do a c section on Hazel. 
I'm thankful we didn't wait too long and all the puppies survived.  It is a fine line to know when to interfere and when to be patient. I was amazed at how Rhoda could tell when the puppies were in distress, what she knew to do to get them to breath, what drug to use when one of the pups was not responding. She really has a special talent. We heated up soup for dinner tonight and I'm heading to bed as soon as church is over. Craig Stickling had the service tonight and after the service Tim Funk told us about the 100% confirmation vote for Craig to be our new deacon. Craig truly IS a servant of Jesus and we are blessed to have him in Peoria. 

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