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Saturday, November 14, 2020

Created Weapon?

 After last night I'm with Mark on the will thing. We must find and update the will. If we don't make it all of our children have to go live with David and I don't think Stephanie is going to like that very much. We think the last time we did anything with the will David was around 17 years old and he was such a responsible child we thought he could handle the other 4 and we didn't want them split up. We went to bed before 10:00 pm but Mark soon got up to sleep with his head more elevated and ended up on the couch. Around midnight I awoke and realized my arm was cold. I went to pull it under the cover and realized my left arm was cold because it was wet. AT that point I thought Mark must have spilled something and felt my arm to find it all sticky. My brain is telling me this is wrong, enough that I woke up, got up, and turn the lights on. With that action I was horrified. There was blood all over the bed, the pillow, all over my arm and all over my left side dripping on to the floor. Some of the spots on the bed had dripped all the way through the flannel sheets and through the mattress pad and were congealing like black blobs. There was thick drips of blood on the floor also starting to congeal. Believing I must be cut somewhere on my side I made it to the bathroom and started scrubbing my body only to find no cuts at all. Then I started on my arm cleaning off lots of dried and fresh blood. There were two very tiny pinpricks that were welling up blood. One I got stopped the other would not. I sat on the tub holding tissues with pressure to stop the bleeding but each time I let go blood would well up and out again. I finally got a bandaid and put that on tight then tried to clean up the bed and floor at least getting the clots out but ended up throwing a big red towel over the whole area knowing I'll have to soak everything in cold water in the morning. I climbed back into bed but a few minutes later realized that tiny pin prick was again bleeding through, this time seeping out from the skin at the edges of the bandaid and running down my arm. This is such a tiny little pin prick I can't believe the amount of blood welling up. I spent the next half hour sitting with a wad of tissue held against the arm then found some horse wrap and wrapped that around the tissue. That worked.  Now I know why the doctor asked if I had any bleeding or bruising. No one told us about this side effect. This virus sure acts like a weapon that wants to kill the host. Hmmm do you think it was created and let loose on the world to reduce the population?  All the crazy theories come out of my brain in the middle of the night. Could we be in the last days? Will we have to live through the tribulation, is this one of the seven seals?  Nope because the pale horse (death) comes after the White horse (to conquer), the Red Horse (kill one another) and the Black Horse (famine). Hope our Saturday goes a bit better and sure hope we start to clear the virus. 

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