The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Last Day on the Beach

 Nolan and Eden arrived 2:45 am. We were thankful they arrived safely. At 9:30 we were suppose to meet mom, Aunt Jinnie and Joan at Crystal Shores West to look at a condo. Faith and Berlica came here to watch the little ones while the girls walked to Crystal Shores and Amy and I walked to mom's condo. Right about the time we were suppose to leave for Crystal Shores the real estate agent called to cancel and reschedule at 11:00 am. Joan dropped us off but there was a police car right in the way.

It turned out there were 5 police cars here with lots of police men all here checking out the red van in the picture below.
They were using their cell phones and snapping pictures through each window. They brought in a drug dog but the dog didn't seem interested. I think it was either a dead body inside OR a bomb but we never did hear. The police had a tow truck and had it towed away so perhaps we will never hear, although we did hear a big boom when sitting on the beach later.
The kids were excited to pack and head to the beach.
Nolan went right out to fish instead of sleeping.

Eden was busy checking out a dead crab that washed up on the shore. Below she got brave and picked it up. Then was so proud of her catch she didn't want to throw it back in the water. 

Meanwhile Nolan had been pulling in fish. He caught 2 at once twice. They weren't big enough to eat so were thrown back to grow some more.
Mark and Cathy came walking up the beach and stopped to visit. 
Joan was fishing in front of mom's condo and only catching small ones when a big 6 foot shark grabbed her hook and took off breaking the line. That shark grabbed her line twice breaking it twice. It came very close to shore.  We were really lazy today reading and sleeping in the warm bright sunshine and every once in a while picking up the camera.

Even though dogs are NEVER allowed on the beach this lady brought two dogs down, went running up and down the beach with them, took them swimming and of course the police who quickly catch my elderly mother and her tiny shih-tzu Molly can't walk out without getting caught and kicked off the beach never bothered this couple.. 

We went to Mike's Seafood restaurant for dinner. That was excellent and we really enjoyed the meal. When we got home we started packing. Taunya was packing shoes when she picked up an extra pair and exclaimed, "I thought these were Zion's and took them off the beach!

She took them back to the beach. The little girl they belong to is going to be very confused. I'm sure she told her mom, "I left them right here." and then tomorrow they will be "right there"  We are heading out in the morning as soon as we wake up.  

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