The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Monday, October 19, 2020

Chunks of Ice

 Emma insisted we get up around 2:30 am. At first I thought maybe her dog door was blocked but when I opened the back door to let her outside I realized why she was worried. It was sleeting and some of the ice coming down was in chunks. By the time she came back inside her back was full of chunks of ice. It was really cold on our walk.  We had new developments from last night. Aunt Jinnie, who was supposed to be on a plane heading home to New Jersey this morning had to cancel that flight and book another on Wednesday. Barbara came down with Covid 19 on Sunday so Aunt Jinnie has to be tested before coming home. That happened around 11:00 am today and thankfully the test results came back negative. We believe Barbara got the virus at the airport on her trip home a week ago.  I left for Lacon to pick up the new trailer. The owner was nice and walked me through the entire camper. The right blinker light was not working but that seems to be the only problem.  Sarah posted a picture from yesterday that I just had to share here. Left to right are Rosie, Ruby, Arrie, Hazel and Ivy. Sarah and Nolan own Ivy and Arrie, Rosie is owned by Taunya and Ben and Rhoda and Lee own Hazel and Ruby. 

The lady that bought Gideon also posted more pictures. Gideon is Soul's 2018 colt by Evan and wow is he ever gorgeous.

Soul was bred back to Evan and is due April 28th, 2021. The foal will be available once born and healthy.  In other news Hadassah is back for sale. Her buyer was not able to move forward and we need to start down sizing.  Hadassah is bred back to Evan and is due June 7th. She has a gorgeous 75% Friesian filly by her side and can be sold NOW as a 3/1 package for only $10,000.00  This is for Hadassah who is 50% Friesian and trained to ride, the 75% Friesian filly by her side which WILL gray and the 75% Friesian foal in-utero which has a very good chance of being born black and staying black. 

Below is her 2017 filly by Evan. Every one of Hadassah's foals have amazing movement, mega hair and are very sweet.

Below is Hadassah right after she gave birth to her 2020 filly by Evan we named Maddalen (which means magnificent).
She truly IS magnificent!
We will be bringing Hadassah and Maddalen in the first week of November for weaning. Once she is weaned we will no longer be offering this 3/1 package. IF you just want to own Maddalen, her price is $5000.00 she is registered with Friesian Heritage Horse International, papers are in hand.  

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