The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Barn Lights

 Last night, actually around 2:00 am I heard a mouse in the kitchen. I got up to set a trap and made just a little too much noise while doing that and woke Mark up.  He was trying to figure out what I was doing in the kitchen at 2:00 am.  The trap was set and we both went back to bed. Not 2 minutes later we heard the snap and then clatter clatter. The clattering didn't stop so I got out of bed to find the mouse was caught by one leg. I took the entire trap and mouse outside, threw it into the yard then went to bed feeling kind of bad that the poor mouse was alive and now outside in the cold with a trap attached to his leg. This morning I couldn't find the trap.  I took the golf cart over to mom's to put in her eyedrops and make breakfast. When I got home I found that poor mouse had made it back to the house and was trying to get back inside in the warmth with that trap still attached. This time I carried the trap into the woods before letting that mouse go. He made it all night without being eaten he deserved another chance. Hopefully he won't try to get back inside.  After eating our breakfast, Mark helped move a bale in for Evan so I could back that truck and trailer holding the scissor's lift under the fixtures he was replacing.  Mark bought new LED lights for the indoor arena. Last night Philip brought the scissor lift home so this morning Mark started replacing the old lights with these very bright lights. 

Karin, Magda, Isaiah and Ashley arrived to work with the horses. When they were done working with the stallions they took Mika, Sally, Missy and Sangria on a loop and as Karin said, played musical chairs. What she meant by that was have each horse change order on a loop to make sure all would have the chance to lead, learn to stay far enough behind the leader and if one does run up on the leader the leader must not react by kicking out. We need these horses to be quiet no matter what happens. Below they are coming back from a very successful training session.

Sarah and Rhoda did most of the cleaning of the apartment after Hannah's personal shower. I told them to leave the floors for me as I had some supplies to take up.  This afternoon the two sisters that bought the 2004 Coachman Freelander showed up to pick it up.  I gave them a few instructions, loaded the 2 extra tires into their car and they were off with their transportation to Texas. They plan on living in it all winter in Texas and I don't blame them. It was really chilly today. I left for Sam's club around 3:30 pm to pick up another bag of dog food but when I went to check it there was line after backed up line of people all trying to get checked out. Sam's machines weren't working and it took try after try to get each person's Sam's card entered. The next job was to drive to the fellowship hall to pick up mom and my winnings from the Skyline auction. Mom had bid on a child's rocking chair and thought she would for sure win but she was outbid. We both ended up with soup. Mom got a quart of chili and a quart of potato soup but when they brought out her box it was full of probably 7 or 8 quarts of chili. I explained that is not what mom ordered, they were confused until they realized they were trying to give her Rhonda's order.  Mom heated up chili for her dinner tonight while Mark and I had potato soup. Both were delicous. Amy came by to drop off Rhoda's blanket that she repaired after Gulf Shores. She stayed back and was wearing a mask because they had someone come to their office that right after was diagnosed with Covid 19. Amy is kind of self quarantining for a couple weeks.  Mom and Diane went to Ashly furniture this afternoon to look at furniture for her new condo in Gulf Shores. 

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