The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Friday, September 4, 2020

Weaning 3 More

Sarah posted a picture today of Ruby's puppies. They are 2 weeks old today and SO adorable.
Ruby is Rhoda and Lee's dog and her 6 Cavapoo puppies are all spoken for. Today Israel and Elisabet went there to play with the puppies. Rhoda and Sarah do a wonderful job socializing each litter by letting the grand children play with them.
After the walk today I headed to Sam's club for groceries for this coming weekend and was very pleased they had paper towels. I ended up buying a lot of meat on this trip so the bill was pretty high. When I got back Lily's colt was loaded into the trailer and left in while the other 2 were put in the stalls. When I got back to the trailer he was standing quietly eating the grain out of the bucket hung in the corner. He is feeling very comfortable now in that trailer and that is a good thing as this colt gets picked up tomorrow morning. He was put in his stall with more grain while Odin, Oksana's colt was loaded a few times then Otto Indy's colt. As Otto was stepping out the wind picked up and the door to the trailer started to blow shut, Otto panicked and jumped right on top of me landing on both of my feet. Ouch they will be bruised tomorrow. Of course that meant we had to load and unload 3 more times quietly each time.  Mike called at 3:50 pm, he was on the way out to Middle Grove and was going to meet me out there with the jeep to bring in 3 fillies for weaning, Zalena and Indy. Dr. Hoerr is scheduled to come on Wednesday to sonagram Zalena and Indy and draw blood on Lola's filly, Soul's filly and Irish's filly. When I got to Middle Grove the horses were up on the ridge.
Mike hadn't arrived so I hiked up to the ridge, haltered Lola and got her and her filly loaded then hiked  up again and haltered Soul. As I was hiking back down Mike arrived with his jeep. We loaded up Soul and her filly, took Lola out of the trailer tied her to the side, put Soul's filly in the same divider as Lola's filly, then took Soul out of the trailer and tied her. Irish and her filly had followed us down so we decided to take Irish's filly too. These 3 fillies have been together all of their lives so they may as well be weaned together. Our last job was to take the jeep up to the top of the hill, halter Zalena and Indy, bring them down and load them up.  I was on the way home by 5:15 pm. When I arrived back at the farm the trailer was backed into the indoor arena. Indy and Zalena were put in the middle paddock. Halters were brought out for each of the fillies. They weren't too bad with standing for the halters but when I asked them to lead out of the trailer, none of them would come. I finally left them inside and went for the grain bucket. Soul's filly was the bravest, tip toeing down the ramp followed by Irish's filly. Lola's filly was still pretty scared but she wanted that grain so finally made her way down the ramp. She was led into the stall barn and the other two just followed. Once they were all in stalls, the water buckets were filled, grain dumped in buckets and hay put in each stall. Right now I have Lola and Soul's fillies in one stall and Irish's filly right across the hall so they can see each other. When I left they were munching away. I quickly made BLT's for dinner then we headed over to mom's house to watch the play Esther from Sight and Sound Theater. Joan's family, Fedi, Mark and I joined mom and Aunt Jinnie.
Mom ordered it as a pay for view. We all enjoyed the play but it was very long.  At intermission we all had a bowl of ice cream.
I have the weanlings on the monitor and all is quiet. They are munching away at their hay and it doesn't look like they spilled their water so that is good.
Just one more thing tonight. I really enjoy the Farside cartoons and thought this one was just perfect for the year.

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