The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Sunday on Labor Day Weekend

I had to leave the house early to get the weanlings cared for, breakfast cooked, the dishes done and the bathroom cleaned before leaving for church at 8:15 am. Gregg Rumbold had the 9:00 am message and Craig Stickling had the 11:00 am message. I WILL be listening to both again. Thankful that we have that option by using AC Central. After church I posted a few pictures of the camping trailer on Facebook market place and within 3 minutes of the ad being up someone messaged that they would like to come look at it and within 30 minutes it was sold. Now that we have a motor home we decided we just don't need two campers. Everyone came for dinner except Anna and the girls as they are in Minnesota visiting family. Right after dinner everyone headed to the playground. Below are a few pictures of the afternoon and evening.

Below Amy and Eden are watching the games.
Rachel posted a short video of one of the volleys.
Berlica found a baby bird, it was a cedar waxwing and mom's book told us that it eats berries. Berlica fed it pieces of a strawberry

Rachel was playing her guitar so Zion and Eden started dancing for us then they were joined by Elisabet, Abe, Riley and Zero the dog.
 We just had to laugh. A bit later we took a golf cart ride with the littlest ones and came upon Rhoda and Addyson putting Jury away after round penning her.
Back at the playground we were admiring Lee's new toy which David Jacob was modeling for the kids.
At dark we moved over to the campfire. Dan, Rachel, David and Brian took turns playing the guitars for the singing. The volley ball lights were left on so the grand kids could play in the nice soft sand.
 Mom and Aunt Jinnie are behind the fire.
 We had a good group show up tonight for the praise singing.
 We all thoroughly enjoyed the day. Sundays are so very special with spending time first in church listening to Spirit filled men preaching about Jesus, then family time where we enjoy breaking bread together, friend time with games, visiting, walks and golf cart rides and ending the day with singing praises around the fire. SO very thankful for this precious Sunday.

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