The Airbnb's HERE on the FARM

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Rain We Got RAIN

We didn't get any of the predicted rain last night. There was a riot happening on our walk this morning, a couple thugs were heading toward Diane's house carrying weapons. We could hear them fighting and their sticks clattering. Who would have thought we would have riots here in OUR neighborhood. Well I may be exaggerating just a bit. Mom was telling Ruth she was tired this morning as Aunt Jinnie only wanted decaf coffee and Aunt Jimmie came right back with, "well she kept me up watching Andy Griffin all the way untill 9 p.m. then she is waking me up too early!"
We started teasing them about having their first fight and I may have gotten in the way of one of those weapons and got smacked on the rear by mom's stick for suggesting they were fighting. (that really happened, mom is quick with her stick) We worked it all out. Ruth remembered mom had an extra coffee maker up on a shelf in the closet. Tomorrow they can each have their own pot.  Our walk had to be cut short a little as I needed to stop at Sam's Club first. We needed paper towels for the apartment and here along with bread and cream.  We also needed toothpaste. Not that Sam's is the place to by that, one must buy HUGE quantities but we were down to less than half of those little tubes the dentist gives and I sure didn't want to run out.  I bought the 5 pack of those great big tubes along with some other needed items. Sadly Sam's was out of paper towel.  I made it before the 9:00 am start time to the Berean office. If you would like to read about our morning there click HERE. The rain started this morning and when we finished there the rain was coming down hard. Everyone without an umbrella got soaked going to their cars.
My next job was to head down to Meisters to pay the first of the month bills exactly on time. It was still raining and I was still wet from earlier.  By the time I was heading home from Meisters the rain was coming down but a nice soft soaking rain and by the time the rain quit we had 8 tenths of an inch. Enough that the dry thirsty fields were getting a good drink and will soon turn green. We are all very thankful for the rain.
When Mark got home he came came in with a bag of groceries and in that bag was a brand new tube of toothpaste. We now have SIX huge tubes of toothpaste. IF anyone needs any Crest Complete please let me know, we have plenty to share.

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